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Please could you help me identify my guitar

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  • Please could you help me identify my guitar


    I was wondering if you could help me identify the Jackson Charvel guitar I have. I have gotten myself into some debt and need to sell it.

    Pictures here:

    From the research I've done I believe its made in Japan. From the serial number, I've determined its 1993 model (six digits starting with 3) - but I bought it in 2003 so that's a bit confusing.
    It looks like a Dinky model like the listing below but the logo is different.

    Any help with details would be appreciated.


  • #2
    Welcome! It's a Charvel 375.


    • #3
      Hi, Thank you for you're quick response.

      It's been a minefield trying to find the right name but I'm confused as further research says they were made between 89-91. But serial number suggests 93?


      • #4
        That is because you are looking at the wrong serial number list.


        • #5
          Experts can correct me if I am wrong but I don't believe the Fort Worth office neckplates found on the Charvel Model Series and Charvel Classic Series (bolt-neck "toothpaste logo") guitars had serial numbers that were representative of dates. Your research, discovering the manufacture dates of 1998-91, is correct.

          I've never taken apart any of these Charvel Classic Series guitars before, so I am unaware if any date stamps exist on the neck heel and/or in the neck pocket.


          • #6
            From my limited sample of one Charvel fusion neck and one Charvel fusion deluxe body bought off Ebay. Neither one had a date on them.


            • #7
              Beautiful toothpaste logo specimen you have there. Anyway are people just making up dates then when it comes to the serials like 32xxxxetc? My Fusion Deluxe for example has a serial starting like that AND the Fort Worth stamp.
              Database (WIP)
              My collection also there!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mechayoshi View Post
                Beautiful toothpaste logo specimen you have there. Anyway are people just making up dates then when it comes to the serials like 32xxxxetc? My Fusion Deluxe for example has a serial starting like that AND the Fort Worth stamp.
                I wouldn't say that people are making things up, because that would be like saying that they are intentionally telling lies. But.... yes, many people are misinformed and then repeat that misinformation. And, of course, there is no denying, some will lie to your face.

                For example - the original poster of this thread, he was looking at the Jackson serial list, while trying to date a Charvel. Could you imagine dating an iPhone based on Ford's date codes?
                And then you have the people who think that their Charvel is made in the USA because it says "Fort Worth" on it. Who can forget the Chinese Epiphones that say Custom Shop on them.
                How about the people who think a Dinky is the "child's size" guitar. Some think because the term dinky refers to smaller things, and others read somewhere that a Dinky is 7/8 the size.

