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Charvel/Jackson guitar & accessory database project

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  • Thanks y'all. I've added more pictures on all the pages and fixed up the neglected Charvel page.

    -I have photos of all the artist's signature models and have organized the pro mod section until I add more specs and images. I've also on the Jacksonextras page, created a chart with the Charvel nomenclature explained.
    Database (WIP)
    My collection also there!


    • *UPDATE* Just added some brand new Usa production soloists, SL2MG and SL2MG HT. It's still pre-order so I don't know all of the finish options yet. I'd attach a photo but github is acting up. Might edit this post later.

      Database (WIP)
      My collection also there!


      • *UPDATE* I've done some design changes on the site, changing banners and whatnot. I'll keep working on it. We have a new Jackson Bass for artist Adam Blackstone. Not mega exciting, but it's classy and its nice to see the basses retain some relevancy.

        Database (WIP)
        My collection also there!


        • Exciting news if you are into Jackson Stars. I just got ahold of a 2008 catalog that was previously paywalled by one site, so until now I couldn't examine all of the pages. I just discovered that Jackson Stars had some limited 2008 models I haven't documented. They are higher end, the TN series, so neck-thru, binding, etc. I've already updated the data base here. using the sellers images of the pages.

          When I get it I'll be scanning it in high quality and hosting it for anyone in the future to flip through at their leisure. Look forward to that. Peace!
          Database (WIP)
          My collection also there!


          • Link to catalog. One page is out of order, but it's just the inner cover.
            Database (WIP)
            My collection also there!


            • *UPDATE* Took a small break, but I've added a few obscure Charvel MyG guitars on the list and...drumroll... significantly updated the navigation on all pages. Now on the longer ones, like the Jackson2 and the Charvel pages, you should be able to jump from category to category easily. It's not perfect on mobile, but the site is held together by rudimentary HTML and tape, so.. sorry! More to come!
              Database (WIP)
              My collection also there!


              • Can't Thank You enough
                For Your Time, Effort, and Dedication!!


                • I haven't been by here in a loooooooong time, but this is the kind of thing I like to see happening. Keep it up!


                  • I recently bought the Jackson Stars RR-TN02 STB NAT/WAL* that is pictured on the website. I can send more pics if needed or help complete item description. The guitar is really fun and I'm glad I could pick it up.


                    • Originally posted by phantasm View Post
                      I recently bought the Jackson Stars RR-TN02 STB NAT/WAL* that is pictured on the website. I can send more pics if needed or help complete item description. The guitar is really fun and I'm glad I could pick it up.
                      I'm back from the grave and I'd love to hear it.
                      Database (WIP)
                      My collection also there!


                      • Glad to see you're still plugging along with this!


                        • I was doing some digging a while back and I found another small treasure trove of one-off limited run models

                          From the Fender-era of the Jackson Stars site. Notably there's a RR-TN03, which is a reversed headstock version of our RR24 with dot inlays and reversed headstock. Unfortunately the Fender era doesn't have good caching and none of the link actually works, so there's no more information about them, and it doesn't cover dealer limited runs, but its something. The RR-TN02 WAL STB is also on there


                          • Crumbling I'll comb over that and get what I can at least. Thank you, you and everyone else.

                            General update: I have all of the 2025 pre-order Jacksons added. Working on the Charvels soon. This includes a new USA SL2 Soloist, mini line of 'Pure Metal Edition' Soloist, Rhoads, and Kelly models. A bunch of X series stuff with graphics, and an update of the Dave Davidson WR7. They revived the surfcaster!
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	WR7.png
Views:	43
Size:	27.9 KB
ID:	2552894Click image for larger version

Name:	RR1A.png
Views:	40
Size:	27.1 KB
ID:	2552895Click image for larger version

Name:	dk1a.png
Views:	41
Size:	26.9 KB
ID:	2552897
                            Attached Files
                            Database (WIP)
                            My collection also there!


                            • Click image for larger version

Name:	surfcasterht6.png
Views:	44
Size:	30.0 KB
ID:	2552900The surfcasters. (click) Not super high end, but something. Notice that they just straight up call them Surfcasters for the shape I guess, and not the Outcaster.
                              Database (WIP)
                              My collection also there!

