So my hoarding has caught up with me and downsizing is a good thing. I purged 8 guitars (thanks covid-19 for putting me out of work). So I decided to build a custom guitar and give it to a good friend of mine whose mother is not doing very well and most likely not going to make it. The body is very close to that of a stratocaster only I have contoured it a bit more (just a few barely noticeable mm) and then added a custom neck with a banana head stock as I really love old Kramer and ESP (George Lynch Kamikaze esque) style necks. This thing is turning out pretty cool however my custom made body decided to let it be known that without some work the neck wouldn't fit. (pic of project posted in another thread). Anyhow I took it over to a great guy near me to have him shave it just a touch and ensure the fit is spot on.
When I pick it up this week I will put the finishing touch on it. I am going to have the head stock painted to match the body color (seafoam green) as I have always liked the look of a matching head stock. Then I will have my custom logo applied and have the top and sides cleared (to ensure no paint chipping). So.... Back to my friend and his mother and my hoarding.
My friend has been there for me through thick and thin whenever life handed me some challenges. He was there when I damn near died of kidney failure and a pretty epic 5 month bout of pneumonia. He was there two winters ago when a drunk driver nearly killed myself and 4 other people. He was there for me (after) I almost lost my pinky when packing a very rare telecaster for shipping. More recently though he was there for me when I became disabled and barely able to walk. Every time I was down and out he always managed to be there. He is a rock for sure.
Well more recently his mother has been having massive heart problems and most likely this time will not be making it home from the hospital. Her heart according to the doctors is just about done. Many problems that are too tough to solve due to her current condition. So, this inspired me to give back and try to put a smile on his face as he is going through this tough time. So I decided to finish the guitar project I am working on (80% done) and give it to him. So.... About the hoarding you ask? Well this is where hopefully one of you comes in!
I will try and get pictures later this week (as it is currently buried in storage) but after I decided to give the guitar to him I decided I wanted to step it up and give him a cool case too! I have an old grey Charvel chainsaw case lurking around that I have had for years and years just kinda kicking around in my storage closet. I kept thinking I would find a guitar to pair it with one day but never have. I would love to trade it for an Anvil style case. Figured I would see if maybe someone had one and would rather have a nice chainsaw case? I will get pictures this week and upload them.
I plan on taking the anvil case and adding my custom logo onto it and a special guitar model logo I created using his initials. I figured go big or go home. So, anyone up for a trade? We can work out details in regards to shipping and what not.
As far as the picture I have attached, it is a picture of the woman's car who damn near killed myself, my close friend B, and three other people that day. I am lucky to be alive to be honest. Drunk driving is serious.
Anyhow I hope everyone is doing well and had a rockin' 4to hf July!
When I pick it up this week I will put the finishing touch on it. I am going to have the head stock painted to match the body color (seafoam green) as I have always liked the look of a matching head stock. Then I will have my custom logo applied and have the top and sides cleared (to ensure no paint chipping). So.... Back to my friend and his mother and my hoarding.
My friend has been there for me through thick and thin whenever life handed me some challenges. He was there when I damn near died of kidney failure and a pretty epic 5 month bout of pneumonia. He was there two winters ago when a drunk driver nearly killed myself and 4 other people. He was there for me (after) I almost lost my pinky when packing a very rare telecaster for shipping. More recently though he was there for me when I became disabled and barely able to walk. Every time I was down and out he always managed to be there. He is a rock for sure.
Well more recently his mother has been having massive heart problems and most likely this time will not be making it home from the hospital. Her heart according to the doctors is just about done. Many problems that are too tough to solve due to her current condition. So, this inspired me to give back and try to put a smile on his face as he is going through this tough time. So I decided to finish the guitar project I am working on (80% done) and give it to him. So.... About the hoarding you ask? Well this is where hopefully one of you comes in!
I will try and get pictures later this week (as it is currently buried in storage) but after I decided to give the guitar to him I decided I wanted to step it up and give him a cool case too! I have an old grey Charvel chainsaw case lurking around that I have had for years and years just kinda kicking around in my storage closet. I kept thinking I would find a guitar to pair it with one day but never have. I would love to trade it for an Anvil style case. Figured I would see if maybe someone had one and would rather have a nice chainsaw case? I will get pictures this week and upload them.
I plan on taking the anvil case and adding my custom logo onto it and a special guitar model logo I created using his initials. I figured go big or go home. So, anyone up for a trade? We can work out details in regards to shipping and what not.
As far as the picture I have attached, it is a picture of the woman's car who damn near killed myself, my close friend B, and three other people that day. I am lucky to be alive to be honest. Drunk driving is serious.
Anyhow I hope everyone is doing well and had a rockin' 4to hf July!
