Hi guys!
I've recently been getting into the idea of scouring reverb/ebay/stores etc to find used guitars that are considered all-timers/holy grails and the like (whether overall or from a bang for your buck, mega cheap used now but USA/MIJ made quality etc), and figured this place was better than any to be in the know if there's certain particular models or just eras that are considered the best ever? An example with another company, Ibanez, is the American Masters series from 1989-1991 is considered pretty much objectively the best RGs, if not just superstrats ever.
I would not be surprised if that answer is just pre-FMIC, though I'm sure at least with Jackson it helps that Mike Shannon has been there the whole time, so the consistency may be very good through all the years...perhaps also just Grover era?.
I also heard that the Charvel Model 6 is considered really good, as well as the Jackson professional MIJ (pre-Caparison) series.
I've recently been getting into the idea of scouring reverb/ebay/stores etc to find used guitars that are considered all-timers/holy grails and the like (whether overall or from a bang for your buck, mega cheap used now but USA/MIJ made quality etc), and figured this place was better than any to be in the know if there's certain particular models or just eras that are considered the best ever? An example with another company, Ibanez, is the American Masters series from 1989-1991 is considered pretty much objectively the best RGs, if not just superstrats ever.
I would not be surprised if that answer is just pre-FMIC, though I'm sure at least with Jackson it helps that Mike Shannon has been there the whole time, so the consistency may be very good through all the years...perhaps also just Grover era?.
I also heard that the Charvel Model 6 is considered really good, as well as the Jackson professional MIJ (pre-Caparison) series.