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New Usa guitars maybe?

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  • #61
    how often do you actually see critical reviews in these kinds of publications, anyway?


    • #62
      I'm not certain; I rarely read reviews of gear. But, if it's anything like YouTube reviews of gear where many videos are sponsored, then I know what you're trying to say.


      • #63
        Yeah, a lot of marketing talk made it into the review. Not sure how the reviewer figured those guitars come with SS frets.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Anders View Post
          It’s a shame that all youtube presentations are so confusing, and people get the idea that Jackson haven’t built guitars in the USA for 30 years. It seems like that is Jackson’s fault though, with the way the present it.
          I finally had some time to sit down and actually watch some of the YouTube "guitar influencer" produced videos on the SL3 and learned a few things:

          1) Many of them are spouting similar "alternative facts" about how the American Series apparently represents a return to American production after a decades-long absence that I would bet money that Fender (the company) likely provided the weird story to reviewers to say on camera or write in their magazine reviews. This begs the question... why? Anyone who has paid even minimal attention to the brand knows there have always been American-made Jacksons (custom and production) ever since Grover made Randy's first guitar, to American production guitars 1990-1996, to the USA Select Series 1996 to near present day when the American Series took over.

          2) It's very likely the same few guitars are passed around between the reviewers. Fender sends a guitar to a reviewer to make a video, the reviewer sends it back to Fender, and repeat with more reviewers. I could swear there might be one slime green SL3 that has made the rounds between Ola Englund, Agufish, and possibly other high profile YouTube guitarists who commonly show up at the top of the search results and in my suggested views.

          3) It's interesting to see YouTube guitarists who are known for not playing Jacksons to provide their thoughts on the SL3. I'm not certain I have yet seen a YouTube guitarist who is a Jackson fan who is also a nitpicky unbiased reviewer with a large following who has reviewed the SL3, and if so, they are likely less influential and thus their videos are lower in my search results and I haven't found them yet. Earlier in this thread I provided my thoughts on two SL3s I tried locally, and I would say the same nitpicky things on camera even if I had a YouTube channel with a large following and I think my hypothetical SL3 review video would resonate more with real Jackson players and JCFer-type personalities. So, no guitar company will ever send me a product to review because I don't have the following. Those numbers matter for any company's bottom line because more eyeballs looking at the product means more potential sales, and hence why an influencer with a huge following will always get sent gear and perks than a true unbiased reviewer who isn't using YouTube as an income stream.

          Anyway, I'm honestly just relieved to see new USA Jacksons in my local stores again. The last time I saw new USA Jacksons locally was around 2005 and it was a KV2T.


          • #65

            That is Olas review that he just did or i dont really know when he did it but posted just a day or so ago. He wanted to wait a month so the hype died down but they sent him the guitar like a month ago.

            His review is kinda unbiased and is on par with what i would think too like why the high price and lack of features like stainless frets hardshell case and the blandness of the colours.

            You get 1000 dollars worth of guitar for 2800 dollars because its supposedly made or crafted in usa.

            As for the passing around the guitar between youtubers i doubt it since i have seen some of them using the guitar in many videos still could be maybe they jsut bought them who knows i didnt watch all the videos just saw the title pictures.

            I actually watched the Ola video again and looks like he made a slight joke about the made in usa like he was about to say made in usa but corrected himself to say assebled in usa.
            Last edited by ed; 11-10-2022, 11:41 PM.


            • #66
              No way! The headstock looks indo to me and no binding, flat finish, noise??? Looks like a POS IMO
              I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


              • #67
                I think only the green is flat. the blue, white, and black are gloss (and $100 more). also the single coils are true single coils hence the noise. I won't count that against the guitar as many including myself prefer the true strat tone even at the cost of noise.

                agree about the other points


                • #68
                  I saw a couple more new American models in reverb:

                  I am really starting to believe these are just made in china guitars with american label. Especially with that price tag.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by ed View Post
                    I agree
                    I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


                    • #70
                      Olas video about new virtuoso series:
                      Trying out the new Jackson Virtuoso USA SRS Guitar in PINK!It's pretty ballin...DISCLAIMER: Fender / Jackson did send me this review sample to try out, but i...


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by ed View Post
                        Olas video about new virtuoso series:
                        That's stanky


                        • #72

                          at this point if it doesn't say Professional, Performer, Concept or Made in USA on the head I don't want it
                          Action Jackson


                          • #73
                            Those are on par in price with their MJ models and a bit pricier than the new pro plus made in china models. Its all very weird if you ask me.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Nimitz View Post
                              at this point if it doesn't say Professional, Performer, Concept or Made in USA on the head I don't want it
                              way ahead of ya


                              • #75
                                I'm probably gonna sound like a broken record here but I wish they would do a modern take on the Fusion line. That five-piece neck and the new heel design with a 24.75" scale with H-H pickups would be sweet. Basically this new Virtuoso but with the shorter scale.

