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Sneaking stuff by the wife

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  • Well, this won't be an issue for me anymore. The wife and I are splitting and I'll be able to go back to buying whatever the hell I want without sneaking, explaining, justifying, etc. Can't wait!
    Unleash the fury.....Texas style!


    • I'm with Emthrax.
      Her outlook on the whole thing is right on the money.My wifes thing is crochet stuff I mean lots. Yarn, patterns,and all the other stuff that goes with it.She sells a lot on ebay so she makes money at her hobby.
      I buy, sell, trade guitars really there is no difference.Rarely do I lose money on a guitar rarely do I sell for a windfall profit but it does happen from time to time so it all works out.
      Great site Emthrax some killer songs too.The JJ looks kick ass.
      Really? well screw Mark Twain.


      • I have two empty guitar hangers and it's driving my wife crazy! She say's the room looks "un-balanced". She gave me two weeks to fill 'em or else! Damn what a pain in the ass she can be sometimes! I really don't want any more guitars right now, but I guess I'll have to do what I have to do just to keep her happy. I told her that after these next two, that's IT! I'm not buying any more gear for at least a month. I'm the boss in my house!
        My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


        • Old Joke:

          Q: How many guitars is enough?
          A: One less than your wife will divorce you over.


          • Originally posted by zeegler
            ANother lecture from someone with a perfect life.
            Yep, pretty damned perfect. Maybe you should absorb some of my "lectures" and you too can have a perfect life.


            • that reminds me of a Simpsons quote:
              "I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them"
              -Comic Book Guy
              Last edited by RacerX; 06-20-2006, 08:01 PM.
              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


              • I take back everything I said in this thread a few pages back. I bought a shitload of guitars, 68 in all, I also bought my wife an SL500 convertible, at least 35-40k in jewelry, some of it from Tiffany's, beautiful clothes from Versaces, a killer dog, always did my best to provide for her, and when I stopped making money, which was aided by a horrific drug habit, I was left for dead, and while I was in detox she took everything in our house, disappeared and I have no idea where it's at. Nice huh? I know where she is , she is at her parents house, But then again I have not had to listen to her or fight with her in two years now and that makes me smile real widely everyday!!!!!!! I bought the guitars because I loved them, and was completely taken over by the collecting bug, but I bought her plenty of killer things as well. I guess it was to take the heat off for my ridiculous lack of respect for money back then. She hated my guitars, and ultimately hated me as well in the end. You should see me dodge plates, I could play center field for the Yankees easily.
                Not helping the situation since 1965!


                • Did she take all 68 guitars?


                  • No I shot those in my arms unfortunately. I have alink to the lics of the old collection though, i gotta dig it up, it's on
                    Not helping the situation since 1965!


                    • Originally posted by SEEGERMANY
                      Yep, pretty damned perfect. Maybe you should absorb some of my "lectures" and you too can have a perfect life.
                      No way, my wife is the one who needs the lectures.
                      Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


