Here's where I'm at...with the exception of a project that is at paint, and the ESP Firebird I scored (see "Other Manufacturers" for that.) I figured that since there's a few C/J's in here, this would be the place to put it. Happy Holidaze! [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]
L to R: BC Rich NJ Warlock, Orville Les Paul, Fender Tele, Charvel Surfcaster, Jackson SD soloist, Orville Les Paul, SD Charvel, Charvel Neck-thru custom shop Surfcaster, Strathead parts rig, ESP something or other, JRS-2.
L to R: BC Rich NJ Warlock, Orville Les Paul, Fender Tele, Charvel Surfcaster, Jackson SD soloist, Orville Les Paul, SD Charvel, Charvel Neck-thru custom shop Surfcaster, Strathead parts rig, ESP something or other, JRS-2.
