First, let me personally thank you for making Jackson USA a much higher quality product! Forum complaints are the lowest I've seen in nearly 4 years here! While there used to be several issues a month (or more), now there are only several issues in the last year alone! VERY COMMENDABLE! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]
Custom LTD Runs: It would be nice if you could give a decent price break on batches. I'm not asking for USA Select pricing, but a discount of 5-10% on batches of 10 or more guitars would be very popular here and get a lot more 1st time buyers, and repeat buyers and collectors to invest more into the company and their collection.
USA Select LTDs: Would it be too difficult to allow one major change (one hum, rev headstock, neck/inlay type) on an order of 20 or more? I don't think that's asking for much, and when this can happen, you'll be selling guitars to people that may not normally buy a new USA Select, or already have them, AND to the people that only want one change but won't pay custom pricing.
Import LTDs: A run of 100 is difficult even for a lot of dealers to get into. It would be nice if you could reduce that number to 50 so that if we as a group want to do something like this, it'll be extremely difficult, but possible.
We aren't a large percentage of the Jackson buying community, but we are a large percentage of players who own multiple USA and Custom Jacksons... I'm just telling you how you'll sell even more. That can't be a bad thing.
I have 4 USA Customs, one Custom that has just been ordered, and if you are favorable and come up with a solid and mutually beneficial plan for these, another $2000+ order ready to be placed waiting on your decisions.
I wish all at FMIC and JCMI a Merry Christmas!
Thank you!
Custom LTD Runs: It would be nice if you could give a decent price break on batches. I'm not asking for USA Select pricing, but a discount of 5-10% on batches of 10 or more guitars would be very popular here and get a lot more 1st time buyers, and repeat buyers and collectors to invest more into the company and their collection.
USA Select LTDs: Would it be too difficult to allow one major change (one hum, rev headstock, neck/inlay type) on an order of 20 or more? I don't think that's asking for much, and when this can happen, you'll be selling guitars to people that may not normally buy a new USA Select, or already have them, AND to the people that only want one change but won't pay custom pricing.
Import LTDs: A run of 100 is difficult even for a lot of dealers to get into. It would be nice if you could reduce that number to 50 so that if we as a group want to do something like this, it'll be extremely difficult, but possible.
We aren't a large percentage of the Jackson buying community, but we are a large percentage of players who own multiple USA and Custom Jacksons... I'm just telling you how you'll sell even more. That can't be a bad thing.
I have 4 USA Customs, one Custom that has just been ordered, and if you are favorable and come up with a solid and mutually beneficial plan for these, another $2000+ order ready to be placed waiting on your decisions.
I wish all at FMIC and JCMI a Merry Christmas!
Thank you!