Hey guys and gals, how are ya? My name is Jake, and I play Charvels. I got away from them for a long time, but 3 months ago I returned to the fold and I've never been happier. The moral of the story is, when people tell you that you can't play Charvels for country, blues, or roots-rock, they're WRONG! I hadn't had a Charvel for about ten years, but I recently stumbled onto a couple, and bought 'em both. One is a Journeyman, trans orange, maple fretboard, 1 Duncan JB hum. I took out the tone pot and the coil tap and left it with just a volume knob. I'm not sure what the other model is, it's like the journeyman, except metallic blue, 2 Duncan hums, (JB and Jazz) and a rosewood fretboard. Having been away from them for so long, I am not familiar with either of these models, but they are fantastic. They both have vintage style trems, I blocked 'em, and set 'em up with fresh 11's, and I will never buy another Fender guitar. Nuff said.