I'm sure some of you remember the fabric finish idea presented by (former) JCFer Jimosity long, long ago. There were some complications in getting the job done, and things didn't turn out as planned, but with a bit of searching through various websites, I came up with what I needed to achieve something close to my desired goal. Nothing cleans up a refinish-gone-bad like decals!
JCFers, I present the world's only Jackson Concept JDX-94 Dinky in urban camo fabric finish...and a bunch of stickers. (I couldn't afford a digital camera after all those decals, so the pictures blow.)
Before -- note the lovely faded red finish. [img]/images/graemlins/fart.gif[/img]

After -- a combination of eBay purchases and a few from www.military-graphics.com:

Note that the clearcoat was not buffed on this guitar, so it feels like a satin finish...a very rough, bumpy, scuffed up satin finish. But no matter! Nobody will see it, since it's camouflaged! And believe it or not, it sounds amazing.
JCFers, I present the world's only Jackson Concept JDX-94 Dinky in urban camo fabric finish...and a bunch of stickers. (I couldn't afford a digital camera after all those decals, so the pictures blow.)
Before -- note the lovely faded red finish. [img]/images/graemlins/fart.gif[/img]

After -- a combination of eBay purchases and a few from www.military-graphics.com:

Note that the clearcoat was not buffed on this guitar, so it feels like a satin finish...a very rough, bumpy, scuffed up satin finish. But no matter! Nobody will see it, since it's camouflaged! And believe it or not, it sounds amazing.