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JCF - APC order shipped

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  • #76
    Re: JCF - APC order shipped

    See, this is where our opinions differ. I compare them to EMG's for two reasons 1) simply because they look like EMG's [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] but 2) because to me, the EMG is the pinnacle of high gain pups, and the mainstay in all my axes. These APCs are lauded as some of the best pickups ever from a number of forum members, and if they can top EMGs, they will become my number one.

    There are a lot of things flawed with what you said. To start, not everybody holds every pickup company equal. They have no reason to do so, that’s why there are MANY pickup companies with MANY different kinds of pickups they are not all equal. I don't think pickups are like foods. If you tried to tell me you just like to be open to new pickups for the sake of being open and trying new things, I'd call you short sighted, confused, and just plain mistaken. The purchase and trial of a variety of pickups are a means to an end, rather than an end in and of themselves. People play a variety of pickups in order to find the tone that is subjectively best for them.

    As for the idea of being the everyman's boutique pickup, that simply makes you sound arrogant. In my eyes, there are three or four MAJOR pickup companies for hum bucker equipped guitars. Dimarzio, SD, and EMG. (You could throw in Gibson or something else, it's all fine.) People are putting them in their guitars because out of the major options, EMGs are the pickup which suites their needs best. When you pigeon-hole a group of customers as "kids" you condemn the purchase of EMGs as some sort of trend. This again is a poor move on your part.

    Finally, simply because you do not have an ultimate pickup, does not mean others don't as well. I have an ultimate pickup, and when I purchased my APC, I wasn't looking to expand my tonal pallet, so to speak, but rather to find something even more impressive than the EMG.


    • #77
      Re: JCF - APC order shipped

      No problems with differences of opinion here. I'd hate it if the world were unidirectional. And for the record, my favorite pickup so far has been the EMG-89 but I am not so highly expecting the APCs to destroy them that I'd set myself up for extreme disappointment if they somehow do not meet the ideals that I might have built up in my mind about them. I'm just trying to keep an open mind about them before I install them.


      • #78
        Re: JCF - APC order shipped

        I had a chance to try my out the other day at stage volumes and I was very impressed. These suckers are loud. I was able to get some tones from my guitar where the other stock SD pickup would not. The only issue I had is that when playing against my clean channel, I had to add a little reverb and/or effects because it sounds rather harsh. Since I rarely play clean w/out effects, it's no big issue for me. This pickup is what I needed when playing thru a high-gain channel.



        • #79
          Re: JCF - APC order shipped

          [ QUOTE ]

          sooooo if that wasn't a long enough review, I'll post more after Wed.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          Okay, so how does it compare in the band mix to an 85?
          The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


          • #80
            Re: JCF - APC order shipped

            I'd just like to say that this APC Persuader, sounds SO good in the bridge of my GMW star (Mahogany body) through the mesa trem-o-verb, that I just don't know what to do with it. It's just fantastic. I wish I had another Mahogany bodied guitar to compare with.


            • #81
              Re: JCF - APC order shipped

              Ok, I guess I'll dive in on the next order.
              I'm wondering how the single coils are as well.


              • #82
                Re: JCF - APC order shipped

                God-damn! I really like this thing, I need to practice a bit because they are super articulate and pickup all my screw ups.

                very aggresive sounding, not much to add to my previous review, LOADS of punch....I love it!

                needless to say when I get some money for my KxK custom V I'll probably get a persuader lead/lead custom to put in there!

                me likey!


                • #83
                  Re: JCF - APC order shipped

                  Let it be known that I will more than likely be the VERY LAST person to install these into any of my guitars. Who wants to get a bet/pool going on this? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                  Apologies to those who have been expecting my review of the single coils (since I am only one of two people who ordered them in this big order) and my review of the Persuader Lead versus Persuader Lead Custom A/B'ed in the same guitar with same settings. [img]/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]


                  • #84
                    Re: JCF - APC order shipped


                    I for one am REALLY looking forward to your review of the single coils. So get busy and install them already [img]/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif[/img]
                    "You are so stupid that I am surprised you have not collapsed into a singularity of stupidity." - Anon


                    • #85
                      Re: JCF - APC order shipped

                      [img]/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif[/img] <- Me awaiting the single-coil review.
                      "You are so stupid that I am surprised you have not collapsed into a singularity of stupidity." - Anon


                      • #86
                        Re: JCF - APC order shipped

                        I'm waiting for PaddoK's APC/EMG comparison! (are you comparing them to an 85 or an 81?) (I'm in the same boat, with the 81 being my 'main' pickup)


                        • #87
                          Re: JCF - APC order shipped

                          Not to sound like a bitch, but I honestly cannot compare the single coils to any other single coils, since I've only played two types - EMG-SAs and stock Ibanez S1s. I'd basically be just reporting how I like them. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                          Oh yeah, and then there's the Hot Rails... but I consider that a humbucker. I will seriously be trying to decide whether I'd prefer the spiky clean sound of the APC 200s versus the hot smooth sound of the Duncan Hot Rails in my Shannon Soloist neck/middle positions. I was really hoping Mel Lace would have developed his Persuader Single Coil model which I would slap in the neck position for a great H/S/H sort of configuration, but maybe next time. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

                          I'm gonna ask my buddy to teach me to solder in the next few weeks... but exams are coming up and I may not have much time. I rarely even pick up any of my guitars any more... it's pathetic, really. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                          • #88
                            Re: JCF - APC order shipped

                            just put one of mine in an alder body fernades revolver pro. man these things make emg's sound thin.
                            Widow - "We have songs"




                            • #89
                              Re: JCF - APC order shipped

                              Here's what Guitar Player had to say about APC single coils in April 1994. Mel said they didn't do a longer write up because he wouldn't buy an ad for the issue:

                              Adder's line of single-coils are extremely noise-resistant and have reduced magnetic string pull. The Interphase Humphree 100, 200, and 300 yield clean detail at three different output levels. Out test Strat featured a 200 in the neck position, a reverse-wound, reverse polarity 100 in the middle position, and a 300 (the hottest of the three) at the bridge. The Adders have the slice of a ginsu knife. Need to cut through preamp distortion? No sweat. The Humphrees, which are wound with military-spec oxygen-free wire and permanently sealed in their white plastic covers, come boxed with wiring instructions and mounting hardware. Appropriate for high-tech set ups where you value penetrating edge over breathy twang. "Super glassy Chic sound." "Less blues, more funk." "The bite of an adder." "Plenty o' wrangle."


                              • #90
                                Re: JCF - APC order shipped

                                Guitar Player's write up on the humbuckers:

                                Adder sent us a Paul with two passive humbuckers, a bridge Syrinx and a neck Felony X. A bit warmer than the EMGs--due to more midrange emphasis--the Adders also deliver enough bite for diehard treble junkies. The high-tech Adders are wound with military-spec oxygen-free wire and claim "true magnetic shielding and focused magnetic structure." In the neck position, the Felony X sounds very clear. If your Paul's rhythm mode is dark and murky, the X will change that right quick. In the bridge, the Syrinx sounds tight and hard. Can't dispute the cut: "Like Johnny Watson's maxed-out wah."

