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Mustaine playing KV1 in latest Megadeth video

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  • #46
    Re: Mustaine playing KV1 in latest Megadeth video

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think that people who are intimidated by people, often act like they did something wrong to them, that way they can hate them.

    He didn't do a damn thing to you. I don't give a crap if he's playing a damn Ibanez, he made his statement, and maybe you don't agree with it, but he's the one being handed endorsement deals.

    I know a person shouldn't sell a guitar, but there are quite a few people who play a certain guitar, because a certain someone has. I guarantee you see a jump in sales of the DV8.

    Maybe he found something he really does like more. If that is the case, would you still be mad at him?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am not mad at the guy-I could care less what guitar he plays. He is just has that addict attitude even though he is cleaned up(or whatever).Do I care if he does drugs or not. No But I definitely can recognize a woe is me attitude. Everything is somebody elses fault or they screwed him on and on. I just don't dig someone that has had the success he has had being such a crybaby. As a matter of fact I don't like crybabys. Also I am not into disloyal people and he has not loyalty to anyone but himself and his ego.

    Do I know the guy personally? No. Am I old enough where I can read between the lines by what a spews forth about others in relation to himself. Yep Do I wish him ill? No
    Just don't dig people that act like him.

    I even saw him a while back-and I would say it was a good show. His voice was great in person and they rocked even without Marty. I didn't go see him this time around cause its not really a band anymore its the Dave show with some hired players which I find boring after following a band for so many years. Its like the 15th incarnation of Chicago or something.


    • #47
      Re: Mustaine playing KV1 in latest Megadeth video

      I'll give you that, and pretty much everything else you said. I mainly get so pissed of when people bitch just because he left Jackson, for whatever reason.

      I've got 2 Jacksons 2 Fenders 1 PRS 1 Ibanez 1 Gibson, I hate the Gibson, and I hate my 7 string, but it doesn't mean the company makes bad guitars.

      There was an ESP M2 I was going to buy for the longest time. What stopped me? A guitar that didn't sound or look as good, but had a neck that was 10X better. It was a Charvel Fusion something (24 frets, dots, hum and slanted single hum) Schaller floyd, bolt on neck, FT worth plate (toothpaste logo, I know it was foriegn, but some older Charvels I guess had a FT worth plate). I digress. It wasn't a pickup thing, I just couldn't get this guitar to sound like I wanted it to.

      The point I make is, it's not only Jackson that makes quality instruments. Other companies pull this off also.

      Dave has a dick attitude. I wouldn't call it an addict attitude, because well...I've got first hand experience, as many know, my mother, and best friend have died because of drugs. I've got other, not so close friends who've died. I've watched not one, but BOTH of my uncles marriages fail because of drugs and booze, and I've also watched my sisters marriage damn near fall apart, because he hubby was starting to eat too many pain pills for an injury.

      Obvioulsy, recovering or not, he is an addict or was, so I can't argue with you there. His attitude cannot, IMHO be attributed to any drug addiction. He has a take no prisoners attitude, and it rubs many people the wrong way.

      I agree with many of your points, but I like him/his music (he has had some turds), my main bitch is just when people get jacked off because someone left Jackson.

      Like when Alexi fucking whoo. Speaking of crybabies, Alexi is one, remember, his life sucked so bad. None of us probably had anything like that happen.

      You know what, I'm going to fucking bed.


      • #48
        Re: Mustaine playing KV1 in latest Megadeth video

        Yea I just think of it as addict attitude cause of how when you are an addict to a point that starts affecting others lives it gets real selfish-you know feed my arm f* everyone else-

        I am definately not trying to slam him just cause his usage is well known. I am not like that, cause what ever anyone wants to do its there life. Its just at some point you have to accept that maybe all the shit going down is not everyone elses fault. And from the fact that I been there and crawled myself out of the walking dead, I don't have much sympathy for the whining. But all in all it is not that big of deal to me. I just like to poke fun at him cause it amazes me how much he gets quoted by the press as to how someone screwed him over and he is never willing to even accept any responsibility.Anyway enoughs enough. I am start to bitch as much about him as he does everybody else [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

        Anyway its all good bro-good night -


        • #49
          Re: Mustaine playing KV1 in latest Megadeth video

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          I think he packed up and moved on...


          • #50
            Re: Mustaine playing KV1 in latest Megadeth video

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            ...PLEASE UNDERSTAND I endorse and fully stand behind the great people, treatment, and superior instruments of ESP and LTD guitars and basses. There is no comparision in my eyes or hands for that matter, and I know. My name was on both of these guitars right up around the headstock if ya didn't notice

            [/ QUOTE ]

            Not that I care one way or the other...but that is "damage control"! [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]


            • #51
              Re: Mustaine playing KV1 in latest Megadeth video

              Whoa, cant anyone mention Mustaine anymore without pissing all over his name? Id like to know how many of you people who are pissing on him and his attitude have actually met him?

              Ive met Dave 3 times, each time he has been witty, warm and friendly. Willing to sign autographs, have pictures taken, talk guitars, amps and his experience. He also made a genuine effort to reach out to people, ask their opinions, about their background and stuff. On each occasion he went well above and beyound the call of duty. That is my experience of Mustaine.

              Ive said my peace, but i never wanted this thread to become a ESP/Jackson war or an arguement about Mustaine. I just thought you guys would wanna see a cool guitar in a cool song!


              • #52
                Re: Mustaine playing KV1 in latest Megadeth video

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                I think he packed up and moved on...

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                What?!? How dare he turn his back on Arizona! Screw Dave, stupid asshole!

