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Help I'm a Jackson nerd!!!

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  • #16
    Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Seriously, everyone on this forum should sell guitars! You are the only good source of info. I have yet to find an actual knowledgable salesman at any of the local stores, only one USA in a 300 mile radius, and that one is locked up in a back room. (I was at least lucky enough to be deemed worthy to gaze upon it) but seriously, it is rediculous. OK, rant off. Knowledge is rarely a bad thing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LoL, the new guitar dept manager at Manny's Music asked me to come and work for them in sales, but honestly there's no way I'm working for Ash again in my life. This place is the reason I know so damn much bout everything, from amps to guitars, so here's to the JCF and it's kickass members [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


    • #17
      Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

      Every time I try to walk into a GC around here, they try to sell me a Mesa. I know it doesn't happen, but it makes me think they're getting kick backs from Mesa or something. The sales droids try to find out how much you're looking to spend, and the steer you towards the appropriately priced gear. Squire -> LTD -> Ibanez -> Fender -> Gibson -> PRS. They just don't know any other way to act, because they're too busy trying to make their comission. That's what happens when you drive your sales force's income solely based on moving product--they have no want or need to educate themselves about the gear and how it relates to the customers needs.

      I like small, local music stores. A place where the guy will try to talk you out of buying something because he thinks something else will benifit you more, not because he thinks he can soak you for more cash.


      • #18
        Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

        The local Guitarget here is staffed with kids who seem to all have the same blank, vapid look. None of them really knows much about anything, and they all just want to ring up whatever it is you think you might want.

        I limit myself to buying strings there. When I was in there Saturday (buying some Elixir nanowebs for my Ovation), they didn't even have any Jackson's (and I did look...although I didn't ask). However, they have a metric a$$load of Gibsons, Fenders and PRS hanging on the wall. Oh, and import Schecter's and BC Rich's everywhere. And a whole platform full of Ibanez. But...not a J/C to be found. Weird.

        Best part was in the live sound room, though. I was looking at the portable PA systems. The salesdroid asked me if I needed help, so I told him, 'Sure. Which of these portable PA systems is stereo?' He tried to tell me I dind't need stereo. I explained that my keyboard has some really nice sounding patches that really only work in stereo (chorus, panning, etc.). Then he told me nobody makes a portable PA system in stereo. Never mind that 'we' were looking right at a Fender Passport 250 system...which is stereo. WTF.


        • #19
          Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

          They hardly every have Jacksons and I mean honestly... how many of the 300 gibsons that they have hanging on the wall sell over a year period? Four?

          They probably don't move half as many gibsons as they could move Jacksons but I'm posotive Gibson backs them with cash.
          Matt's Music as far as I know stopped selling Warwicks because they were pushing to much stock on him (I'm not sure how much truth there is to this) but it's the same sortof thing. Companies that sell guitars few and far between make up the majority of the stock.


          • #20
            Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

            When I go to GC I generally go knowing what I am looking for and if they don't have it, I leave. When they ask if they can help me, I say "not yet, but I'll let YOU know when I have questions"


            • #21
              Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

              And they leave you alone? In my Guitarget, even if I tell them I'm killing time while my wife is at the shop next door, they skulk around behind me...popping up every couple of minutes to ask if I need help. Way over done.

              FWIW, I already knew that the Kustom Profile and Fender Passport 150 weren't stereo and that the 250 was. I just wondered how helpful the salesdroid was going to be if he thought I was going to drop $600 or more on a PA system (no, I'm not). Turns out...not very.


              • #22
                Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

                The last music store I went into was a part of the BMMG chain. They carry Ibanez, and I wanted to check out the Zero Resistance tremolo on the S-series. Turns out they didn't have a single guitar in the store with a locking trem. I said to the kid/clerk, "Wow. Not a single Floyd, huh?" And he goes, "Gah, I hate those. They're so hard to deal with." I didn't know whether to be ticked off at his lack of professionalism, or just sad that a person selling guitars for a living doesn't care that they have no guitars with Floyds.
                please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking


                • #23
                  Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

                  If being educated on what you like makes you a nerd, then does that mean you must be ignorant to be cool?


                  • #24
                    Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

                    No, being a nerd is what makes you cool. Uh, well...ok, I'm a UNIX geek, so...maybe I'm biased.

                    Just found out through the Jackson site that my local mom/pop is a Jackson dealer. Really? They don't have any in their store! They do have two other stores, though, in neighboring towns...maybe they're keeping them all hidden in one of those. [img]/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif[/img]


                    • #25
                      Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

                      "They probably don't move half as many gibsons as they could move Jacksons but I'm posotive Gibson backs them with cash."

                      Hey Niccolai, I personally sell more Gibsons in a month and a half than the amount of Jacksons I've sold since I started working at the GC here, which has been about 10 months. You guys can bag on the company all you want, I think they're a shitty awful company, but don't lump me in with the guys who dont know what they're doing, or act like the prices are so high. Last night I sold a kid a Music Man Stingray with the 3-band EQ and it's hardshell case for like $963. I sold it to him at base cost so I didn't really make any money on it, but I bet that kid will have that bass for years to come.


                      • #26
                        Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        That's what makes em so retarded to deal with, and I'm sure GC, which is bigger than SamAss has the same kinda thing (can't talk too much smack about them though, they've helped me out more than any Ash guy did, and we've got one of our own JCF guys who knows more than most workin for em

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        I was actually referring to ya when I was talkin bout one of our own who knows what their talkin bout, just forgot who I was talkin to one day about it to mention your name. My memory sux, but hope ya didn't take it personally


                        • #27
                          Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

                          "Guitarget" [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                          That is THE funniest thing I have read so far today!!! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                          Now it is permanently stuck in my head and I will have to call all guitar chains "guitarget" from now on.

                          I hear y'all on your rants, I personally can't stand going into most music stores, I have come across some real dorkwads. "Oh. It's a girl. She won't know jack-shit, I can sell her a Daisy!". Sure. [img]/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif[/img]
                          And, if someone even so much as gives me a dirty look for wanting to sit down and play I will leave and never come back. That is my biggest pet peeve, not letting folks play the guitars. How else are you going to know if you really love an axe?

                          The little one here (part of the BMMG) in my town is friendly and I like to go in there even though they don't carry Jacksons and have a modest stock. They all know me and will leave me alone to play and peruse whatever I want until I want to chat. And they will bend over backwards to find/order what I want if they don't have it. Even strings! AND they let me try picks for free! So I try to give them as much as my business as I can.
                          More places should be like this.

                          So my kudos to the little businesses! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]



                          • #28
                            Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

                            I had a guy in GC tell me that D'addario doesn't make 9-46 gauge strings. I said that's funny because that's what I have on both of my guitars and what I've been using for the past year. He said I must be mistaken because only Ernie Ball and GHS make 9-46. [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]


                            • #29
                              Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

                              Most guys at GC dont know sh!t about anything except PRS, gibson and fender and even then.
                              "I''ll say what I'm gonna say, cuz I'm going to Hell anyway!"


                              • #30
                                Re: Help I\'m a Jackson nerd!!!

                                I dont really consider myself a Jackson geek but its probably only a matter of time...

