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What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

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  • What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

    Hello. I doubted if the OFR is made only at Schaller workshop in Germany nowadays or in the USA as well? And one more question. I'll be in the USA this summer, and 'll definitely buy the OFR.Will I find the OFR in music stores easily (I'll arrive in Boston)? I ask about it as there is no place to get it in Russia [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

    Schaller has made the Original Floyd Rose exclusively for quite a few years now [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    I think there´s currently a bit of an availability problem, that may or may not be alleviated until the summer if it does exist.....


    • #3
      Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

      Every Guitar Center should carry some.
      If you are arriving in Boston, why not spend sometime and go to Matt's Music.
      He has Floyd in Stock at great price.


      • #4
        Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

        There definitely is a shortage of Original Floyd parts. I've had some backordered for 6 months now. Like you said, they should have the situation remedied by summer. At least I hope so!!


        • #5
          Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

          Are YOU a Jackson Warrior? Join us and be all that you can be!


          • #6
            Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

            [ QUOTE ]
            There definitely is a shortage of Original Floyd parts. I've had some backordered for 6 months now. Like you said, they should have the situation remedied by summer. At least I hope so!!

            [/ QUOTE ]

            This shortage is creating delays for Suhr guitars. There is a thread on his board about the issue. It's nice to know that Floyds are still fairly popular even though everyone is into the vintage thing these days. Then again, Floyds could be considered vintage [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img].


            • #7
              Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

              You are landing on the wrong coast. Try to make it to the Left Coast and visit Floyd himself in Redmond, Wa. where he makes guitars.......... He might know where to find one.
              ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


              • #8
                Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

                I also happend to be Russian, so could steer you towards the places you can get the OFR: try Petroshop, or AT Trade in Moscow - they used to have lots of these. And the on-line shops like the ones jacksonfan mentioned are good too, they ship anywere.


                • #9
                  Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

                  When you talk about origins of the tremolo, it's here in the good 'ole USA when Floyd machined it in his garage.
                  "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
                  Gotta get away from here.
                  Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
                  Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


                  • #10
                    Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

                    I forgot to add these earlier, but here are a couple of links where you can read about the origins of the Floyd.


                    Are YOU a Jackson Warrior? Join us and be all that you can be!


                    • #11
                      Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

                      Akoch, attrade is also known as ANTItrade [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]. All the stuff is overpriced, besides no OFR at all. Russian music shops leg behind a BIT.
                      Ok, I'll bring up the question differently and address mainly those, who own OFR.
                      If I buy the OFR in the USA, won't it happen so that it's made in Germany at Schaller workshop? ARE THERE ANY FLOYDS IN SALE ON WHICH "MADE IN USA" IS ENGRAVED? [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]


                      • #12
                        Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

                        I also happen to be a Floyd Rose Dealer.
                        Please let me know if you want to order one and I'll make sure its in stock for when you arrive.

                        Also, Since the Arm holders on the OFR seem to break allot and no one ever can seem to get them...
                        I ordered 10 of them from Floyd last week and I have 7 left in stock so if anyone needs a new arm holder for an OFR, please let me know.


                        • #13
                          Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          ....ARE THERE ANY FLOYDS IN SALE ON WHICH "MADE IN USA" IS ENGRAVED? [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          Again: No, unless it´s an old one (and I mean VERY old, like ca. 20 years, likely more). And not even these have "Made in USA" on them anywhere IIRC.

                          ALL Original Floyd Rose Trems are made by Schaller, In Germany. It has been that way for quite a few years now, I think something like 15 [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]


                          • #14
                            Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

                            That's the very info I have [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]. I wish I had read your first post more carefully. But as for Original (Schaller) Floyds, I was told that there's Schaller's signature (or may be something like "made in Germany") on the bridge(may be it's not correct). That's why I thought the US one might have it too.
                            Nichtsdestoweniger, danke für die Erklärung [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                            • #15
                              Re: What is the origin of the Original Floyd Rose?

                              "Russian music shops leg behind a BIT." I'm sorry Vladimir, I have not checked those for some 6+ years now, used to be alright back then. I guess everything changes. I'd do vwall or an on-line store then.

