Yesterday I received the latest addition to the family! I definitely took a chance on it, since the seller only had one blurred pic that looked like it was taken by a satellite in orbit. Anyhow, about the only thing that could be seen in the pic was that it had some kind of cherry burst finish, so I assumed that it´s got the typical japanese flame maple top. I jumped on it, and got if for about $500. But I was wrong, it is a solid yellow and red burst with some pretty heavy metallic sparkle. I´ve never seen anything like it, and it really catches your eye. Another odd feature is the rounded tip on the headstock, just like Phil´s own pointies.
Can anyone host a couple of pics for me? Quickly, before someone starts yelling at me for not having any [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
Can anyone host a couple of pics for me? Quickly, before someone starts yelling at me for not having any [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]