Well, I don't want to get hurt for starters. But really, I see many guys here that love pointy guitars, V's, Kelly's, Stars, Explorers, Warriors, etc. I just can't seem to find these guitars attractive. I try, because it looks like many of them would be really comfortable to play with the level of fret access that many have...but to me only a Strat shape and maybe a couple other shapes do it. I admit to liking the Gibson Moderne and I can almost get into a roundhorn V, or an original style Rhoads....but most of these suckers look like weapons to me, not guitars.
My son, who is 7, is dying for me to get a pointy guitar..any kind. He just loves them. I think I will get him one of those Baby Epiphone V's just to shut him up! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
My son, who is 7, is dying for me to get a pointy guitar..any kind. He just loves them. I think I will get him one of those Baby Epiphone V's just to shut him up! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]