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Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

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  • Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

    Hi guys,
    Everyone on the Bodom and Sinergy boards are raising a little hell (in a good way [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] ) over the details of Bodom's endorsement. From what I can tell, their name is still on the endorser's list on the website. One of the mods (forgot who) offered their RR1 custom to Alexi till he could have another built or his was found. There's now talk that they have been picked up by ESP instead of Jackson. If someone can give us an update on what's going on with them it would be greatly appreciated. Also, if I'm wrong on any of this, please correct me. The hardcore Jackson and Bodom fans want to know what's up. Thx a bunch [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

    Thats cool that his fans are upset about the ESP endorsement! Ya know I'd offer up my XTRR but know, it only has 22 frets, rev headstalk and....well he probably just wouldn't like it!!! [img]graemlins/bs.gif[/img]
    j/k Seriously though thats pretty damn cool to offer up his axe, especially a RR1! [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

      Sh!t, I'd lend him my SD 85 Rhoads, but it's lacking 2 frets! But it DOES have a scalloped fingerboard, which he just might like. Maybe I'll email them... [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

        COB don't post much on their forum, except for Janne Warman, the keyboardist.
        Someone asked him about Alexi's guitar situation and he said "they all three playing ESPs now". That's what unleashed
        the f**kin' fury at those forums!

        Come to think of it, he DIDN'T say they
        were ENDORSED by ESP, he just said they were PLAYING ESPs now. You'd figure that's what he meant, but it's not what he said....
        Ron is the MAN!!!!


        • #5
          Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

          C'mon guys, when the first thread about this started lotta guys were tryin to look out for Alexi and make sure he stayed with Jackson. Not that many comments this time around on it. Is there something someone knows that they don't feel like sharing (Fender dosen't really care to look after thier artists?) or does no one really have any new info? Sorry to bring it up if no one really does no nothing about it, but as I posted on another board, I do feel a sense of pride to know that some of the best musicians in the business today are using guitars that I (and we all) love. I'd hate to see Alexi with an ESP instead of a good ol' Jackson Rhoads because Jackson didn't do anything [img]graemlins/band.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

            I may be WAY off on this, so forgive me if I talk out my ass, but I'm just recycling what I've read on various forums over the past few months...

            As I understand it, some overseas endorsements are/were actually handled by the distributor (Europe in this case), rather than by Jackson USA. I'm pretty sure that Black Mariah or someone else "in the know" also recently mentioned that Jackson's European distributor went out of business or fell on hard times. Could it be that the distributor was handling any endorsement details, and because of their current state, are no longer able to do so?

            It seems like this would be a good time for Fender to step up and secure some sort of endorsement deals with European guitarists. Members of Zyklon, Dimmu Borgir and The Crown come to mind as pretty well-known bands whose members are using Jacksons, Darkane's guitarists don't seem to have an endorsement (although they are playing Ibanez), and I'm sure that a lot of the more underground bands are using them too. Also, there are some good American bands that seem to be prime for a deal of some kind. I'm not into the hardcore/emo scene, but I know that one of the guys in Boy Sets Fire was playing an old Model-series Charvel when went to a show with my brother. Unless ESP snagged him, one of the guys in Shadows Fall is/was playing a discontinued Hamer Diablo. The guys in God Forbid are playing LTDs.

            With very few major-label "musicians" barely capable of playing their instruments, it seems like it'd be worthwhile to get some Jacksons into the hands of the metal bands who, despite less exposure and record sales, are very popular in some circles. They appeal to musicians more than your average Linkin Bizkit types.


            • #7
              Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

              well i know that the distributor in th euk went bust in the autumn, and because of the fender deal a new one hasnt been set up yet

              this is a big problem and lost jackson selling em a nice rhoads vee (not an expensive one though [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img] ) as i ended up getting a bc rich assassin (nj neck thru, on sale and a very nice guitar) instead as i dont know how much longer id have to wait for a jackson (and i ament willing to import from the us)



              • #8
                Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

                A logical answer would be that Alexi had no guitar to play and he has to wait too long to get some new customs made.. ?? But customshop should give the priority for these situations..
                Can't believe it if they go esp.

                Now waiting to see them on tour in Europe.


                • #9
                  Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

                  I wish I had a Jackson endorsement, but I probably won't get one as: 1. my band isn't that well-known and 2. the only thing I am good at is fastpicking, my left hand technique is terrible. (Ok I am fairly good on a classical guitar, but still, even there my left hand is my weak side).

                  Alexi should stick to Jackson. Or should Jackson stick to Alexi? either way, Jackson's are great guitars and Alexi is a great guitarist and in the past both seem to get along pretty well so why should it end now? [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]


                  • #10
                    Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

                    Originally posted by Shamgar:
                    Alexi should stick to Jackson. Or should Jackson stick to Alexi? either way, Jackson's are great guitars and Alexi is a great guitarist and in the past both seem to get along pretty well so why should it end now? [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [/QB]
                    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I'm sure Alexi would have stayed with Jackson if they'd gone out of their way to get a 24-fret Rhoads into his hands right away. The guy needs guitars to tour, Jackson wouldn't budge on a year-plus timeframe, and ESP is there offering him a deal he can't refuse.
                    A guitar in the hand is worth 2 in the Custom Shop a year away, and the guy has a tour to do. How would you COB fans feel if he cancelled the tour to wait for
                    his Jackson Custom Shop Rhoads to come in? You'd be even more pissed than you are about the ESP endorsement. Alexi had
                    an ugly choice to make, and he chose to make a living this year, by getting some
                    guitars NOW. I don't blame him, as we still don't know that Fender didn't buy Jackson just to bury it. We only hope that isn't the case, but nobody knows.
                    Ron is the MAN!!!!


                    • #11
                      Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

                      Thx for the replies. But still no response from the mods or anyone from Jackson though I see. Last guy made a very good point, but I'm about 97% positive someone offered his 24 fret Jackson to Alexi and said he was going to get in touch with the band (one of the mods I believe). But hey, if he has to use an ESP till his Jackson arrives, no big deal. If he sticks with the ESP [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img] , eh, we'll live and Jackson will have lost a valuable player


                      • #12
                        Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

                        The Admins here don't make policy for Jackson - never have, never will, so asking them to chime in on this is pointless. I can't imagine why anyone thinks Fender/Jackson listens to the JCF, especially on this type of situation.

                        Fender has already shown their new San Dimas style Strats for 2003, and they have Max Cavalera of Soulfly (formerly of Sepultura? I forget) using neckthrough Squires (Strathead Soloist ripoff), so why should Fender pursue COB or any other rising act for a Jackson endorsement, when they can just as well pursue them for a Fender/Squire Jackson-copy endorsement?

                        It will not be long before Fender are doing production models that have every feature that Jackson USA models have - Fender already holds the Floyd rights (OFR), and now they have Jackson. What's to keep them from killing Jackson, absorbing Jackson's designs and such into their own banner, and putting them out that way? Integrity? Honesty? Love?
                        These ideals have been the basis of the lies of mankind throughout History.

                        On the point of "Jackson should have interrupted all other Custom Shop orders to give priority to Alexi's 24 fret Rhoads" - first, maybe Alexi should take better care of his gear so that it doesn't get stolen, second, he's not THAT important, third, he should really put forth the effort to check into the JacksonStars 24 fret Rhoads that is available in Japan, fifth, he should look into a Soloist or Kelly if he simply cannot play with "only" 22 frets.

                        And this REALLY belongs in the Artists and Their Gear section.

                        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                        My Blog:


                        • #13
                          Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

                          Originally posted by Newc:
                          And this REALLY belongs in the Artists and Their Gear section.
                          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Yeah, really! And since there was already a post about it there, do we really need a part 2? [img]graemlins/eyes.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/poke.gif[/img]
                          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                          • #14
                            Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

                            People people people......Alexi has new ESP guitars. He's not gonna play Jacksons anymore, for right now, at least. It makes me sad that Kirk Hammett doesn't use his old Rhoads as his main guitar anymore, or that Vivian Campbell doesn't play his skulls Charvel anymore, but that's the way it goes. Just be glad that he can play at all and that you can enjoy his music, no matter what gear he is using.


                            • #15
                              Re: Children Of Bodom Jacksons (PT II)

                              [QUOTE]Originally posted by Newc:

                              On the point of "Jackson should have interrupted all other Custom Shop orders to give priority to Alexi's 24 fret Rhoads" - first, maybe Alexi should take better care of his gear so that it doesn't get stolen, second, he's not THAT important, third, he should really put forth the effort to check into the JacksonStars 24 fret Rhoads that is available in Japan, fifth, he should look into a Soloist or Kelly if he simply cannot play with "only" 22 frets.

                              So Newc, how is Alexi switching to ESP because they can get him guitars he needs right now different than you boycotting Ibanez because they took 3 months to get you a new trem? Considering he's further up the Jackson foodchain than you were the Ibanez foodchain, he has every bit as much right to switch as you did - more, since an endorser SHOULD expect more consideration than a regular customer. To suggest otherwise is unrealistic. As for bagging the guy for his gear getting ripped off, you bought a bass on Ebay and never got it, so YOU have been ripped off. Should we look at that the way you look at Alexi getting robbed? You
                              have gotten a lot of sympathy for that, but you want to portray him as careless for "letting" his guitars get stolen. Think about that for a minute.

                              Oh, what was item #4 on your list? #3
                              was the Jacksonstar 24-fret Rhoads, and #5 was a Soloist or Kelly. What was #4?

                              And yeah, this SHOULD be in Artists and Their Gear; maybe the admins will move it, or delete it, as they deem fit.


                              [ January 26, 2003, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: lerxstcat ]
                              Ron is the MAN!!!!

