Hi guys, im new here, and i joined incase u guys could gimee some info on a guitar i just received...
just traded in my 98' Epiphone Korina explorer for this Charvel...+$100, i kinda think the money was a little much but my explorer got no playtime and i wanted something with a floyd rose. This is a Charvel, dont know the model and the serial is 282068. the jackson pickup in it was complete poop, no sustain, so i put my Les Paul's old Agile humbucker in (kept the jackson cover tho) and know it sounds great.
Here it is, if anyone knows any info on these, id appreciate it, it was around $395 used, but i got 300 bucks store credit.

this is what it says on the back of the plate:"CHARVEL
P.O. Box2344
Fort Worth
Can anyone figure out what year?, where it was made?, how good a guitar these are claimed to be, and how much these cost if sold?
BTW it came with OHSC
just traded in my 98' Epiphone Korina explorer for this Charvel...+$100, i kinda think the money was a little much but my explorer got no playtime and i wanted something with a floyd rose. This is a Charvel, dont know the model and the serial is 282068. the jackson pickup in it was complete poop, no sustain, so i put my Les Paul's old Agile humbucker in (kept the jackson cover tho) and know it sounds great.
Here it is, if anyone knows any info on these, id appreciate it, it was around $395 used, but i got 300 bucks store credit.

this is what it says on the back of the plate:"CHARVEL
P.O. Box2344
Fort Worth
Can anyone figure out what year?, where it was made?, how good a guitar these are claimed to be, and how much these cost if sold?
BTW it came with OHSC