Whats up everyone?!
Although I bought my first Jackson about 7 years ago, I never knew about this forum until the other day! I've looked around, and this place is GREAT! Tons of great info and pics!
A little about me... Im 23, live in NJ, assemble electronic radar components for a day job, work on my cars, and most of all, have been playing guitar for a little over 10 years now. Granted, Im nowhere near as good as I should be for a 10+ year player, but latley have been trying to get back into it. Between my new house and working on my cars, I dont have too much time latley to play, but that will all change very soon!
My influences are pretty much Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Yingwie, Satriani, Lynch, Wylde... you get the idea.
Now on to the guitars... Nothing special, but their my babies none the less! [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]
First: Jackson DR3R, Duncan JB in the bridge, otherwise stock.

Second: Jackson RR3R, EMG 81/85 wired with 2 batteries, otherwise stock as well.

Third: The newest edition to the family, a royal blue RR7R! Ive been wanting one of these ever since I first saw one on ebay about 6 months ago. I finally got a good deal on one, so I couldnt say no, even though I REALLY shouldnt have spent the money on it at this time. No regrets though! Pics? Sorry, I dont have any yet, because the guitar hasnt arrived yet! Im hoping to have her by Thursday. Im definatley psyched! Cant wait to set it up and see how it feels, as this will be my first solid-bridge guitar. Im sure you have all seen an RR7R, but if not, heres a preview pic I found on the 'net.

Well thats about it... Ill be seein' ya's around! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
Although I bought my first Jackson about 7 years ago, I never knew about this forum until the other day! I've looked around, and this place is GREAT! Tons of great info and pics!
A little about me... Im 23, live in NJ, assemble electronic radar components for a day job, work on my cars, and most of all, have been playing guitar for a little over 10 years now. Granted, Im nowhere near as good as I should be for a 10+ year player, but latley have been trying to get back into it. Between my new house and working on my cars, I dont have too much time latley to play, but that will all change very soon!
My influences are pretty much Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Yingwie, Satriani, Lynch, Wylde... you get the idea.
Now on to the guitars... Nothing special, but their my babies none the less! [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]
First: Jackson DR3R, Duncan JB in the bridge, otherwise stock.

Second: Jackson RR3R, EMG 81/85 wired with 2 batteries, otherwise stock as well.

Third: The newest edition to the family, a royal blue RR7R! Ive been wanting one of these ever since I first saw one on ebay about 6 months ago. I finally got a good deal on one, so I couldnt say no, even though I REALLY shouldnt have spent the money on it at this time. No regrets though! Pics? Sorry, I dont have any yet, because the guitar hasnt arrived yet! Im hoping to have her by Thursday. Im definatley psyched! Cant wait to set it up and see how it feels, as this will be my first solid-bridge guitar. Im sure you have all seen an RR7R, but if not, heres a preview pic I found on the 'net.

Well thats about it... Ill be seein' ya's around! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]