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How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel?

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  • #16
    Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

    Until about 'I was always the Strat and Les Paul guy, until I ran into a dude with a beat to shit Rhoads out of the performer line. It was a total piece of shit, but the neck profile fit my hand better than anything I've ever picked up before. Three months later, I picked up a Model 5 on E-bay and never looked back.

    I don't want my Les Paul back, though Matt Crooks owns it if I ever want to stop by and visit. [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]


    • #17
      Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

      when i started playing ibanez was all i could afford that played half decent. but all my favorite bands were playing charvels. wanted one, but never saved the money. then mustaine and spitz were praising jacksons after randy got that whole thing going. that was it. pointy jacksons or death!
      Hear the universe scream
      Bleeding from black holes
      Whom horns careless
      And whom God mourns


      • #18
        Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

        All of my heroes started out on Charvels. I always wanted one. Two things kept me from that. 1. Lack of funds Burger King didn't pay that well back in the 80s. 2. No local dealer carried Charvels.

        1986 a local shop started selling Charvels. I ran down and played a Red Model 2. Put it on lay-a-way, and took it home a couple of weeks later. Sold it in 87. A couple of months ago popped into a local pawn shop. Picked up a Red 86 Model 2. Got it home and found out it was my first Charvel. I had bought it back.


        • #19
          Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

          the guitarist of my brother's band had bougt a performer rhoads and after a testrun I was hooked... back in '95


          • #20
            Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

            they were the cool guitars that all my favorite bands played. i had a couple charvels when i was younger, then i got bitten by the BCRich bug. i sold off all my guitars & started buy old BCRichs. a few yrs back i wanted a soloist & was looking at all new SL-1/2's & i found a mint 86 soloist, i played it for 5 minutes & had to have it. ive been hooked ever since.


            • #21
              Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

              I had a buddy in the mid 80's that had a Black/red crackel Jackson (forget the model). I absolutely loved the way it played but didn't dig the 3 pickup swithces. Being a modest guy I was happy with my 2 guitars at the time but knew one of my next axes was going to be a Jackson. A theft from a gig in 1994 forced a purchase and a Dinky XL it was and I was hooked.



              • #22
                Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

                My first guitar was a model 4, I got it last February. After a good setup (by me haha, and it's true) it plays with a VERY LOW action, without buzz even at low tunings, the pickups are pretty darn good and it was just 50 pounds more than a Squier. What's better? I chose to get one of these because a friend has a model 6 and he told me a lot about these guitars. I was in a hurry so I didn't save up the 350pounds I needed for a 6 (I had been sniped earlier too [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] )so I went for that model 4. It's a little beat up but wow...
                And 2 days ago I got a model 1a. Now that's another story... buzz everywhere, the neck's paint is fucked. It sounds quite good and is well resonant and the body is much mintier than my 4's. So I'm going to put some TLC on the neck, maybe have a fretlevelling and try to set it up after that. Then mod it of course (eh it's a Strat [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] )


                • #23
                  Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

                  Jackson's always represented to me the best axes you could get in the 80's. For the life of me, I can't figure out why it took until 2005 to buy my first, but I think I've almost caught up now (I have 5 now).

                  So now, it's Jackson or Gibson (I have a pair of 80's Aria's - my first guitars).


                  • #24
                    Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    Dave Mustaine.

                    [/ QUOTE ]
                    Him, and Anthrax.

                    I remember being interested in Jacksons because of those guys, but I never played any Jackson - or Charvel - for years.

                    Then rather recently (2001) I was looking to have my beat-to-shit Flying V floyded, so I visited my local luthier and asked if it could be done. He said "Yes, but it would be a shame to hack up a perfectly good guitar. If you want a floyded guitar, why don't you buy one? I can recommend Jacksons - I've been an endorser of those, and I think you'd like them".

                    That man knew what he was talking about. I cashed out for an old Rhoads EX, and although it was damamged in shipping, had a crap trem, etc - I knew that I wanted a guitar with a neck like that. Then I came across this odd little guitar forum called "the JCF" and the rest is history. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                    • #25
                      Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

                      My first electric was a Carvin DC127 (4 years ago). I used the Metal Method Video set to learn how to play. I always go to the MM and carvin forums and they always talk about how good Jacksons were. It got to a point where I had to get one so I bought a DK1 from OSG. He is above me! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


                      • #26
                        Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

                        started in the early 80's with a Fender knock off (Musima), never really got into it until the mid 90's.
                        by then, I started to get -slowly- a collection of Fenders, Gibson, Ibanez etc.. gradullay spending more time on playing also.
                        beein' a big fan of Randy Rhoads, I've spent a lot of time lookin' for an LTD and finally found one from Brett.
                        the quality of it equalled the desirability, and from then I started to focus on Jackson..with JCF.


                        • #27
                          Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

                          Here's my story:

                          when I was 14, i found an old piece of shyt guitar under an extra bed that had a tag on it (yard sale guitar that didnt sale) and picked it up. I had already picked up a drumset but you cant play drums late night so I though guitar would be a great thing to mess with at night. So after about six months, my dad realizes that im not just gonna put it down so he decided to take me and get a better guitar and an amp. So we went to consignment music here in memphis and I just picked out a guitar that looked cool and a pretty decent amp. The guitar was a toothpaste charvel (no idea on the model cause I sold it about 2 years later). I got rid of it because I was wanting a ibanez at all cost and dad said "if you want a new one, we'll have to sell your old one" so we did and I got an ibanez rg470 that I still have. Few years down the road, met a guy in college that played and he had a jackson fusion and totally loved how it played. Many years have past and in the last 2 years, have gotten back into guitars more than ever and I recently have bought a charvel st custom and Rhoads Pro ex and definately my favorite guitars to play. Im a jackson fan for life now [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]


                          • #28
                            Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

                            I,d have to say, just to try something different. I just got my first Jackson a couple of month's ago and although I like it, I allready want something else (G.A.S.). I like alot of tonal variations and can't see buying the same guitars because of the brand.( I don't have a favriote) I like to pick up a different axe depending what mood I,m in and what tone I want.......but that's just me.
                            "When a naked man is chasing a woman through an ally with a butcher's knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross"............ Dirty Harry


                            • #29
                              Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

                              I first saw a Charvel when I got Vic Vergat's album and he had that crazzee V. Then I saw Kelly from Heaven with that crazzee Explorer, and then I said, me too............


                              • #30
                                Re: How and when did you discover Jackson/ Charvel

                                [ QUOTE ]
                                Van Halen I!!

                                [/ QUOTE ]


