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"Ask Jackson"?

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  • #46
    Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

    I dont know... Companies use focus groups with people like myself (obsesive compulsive Jacksonaholics) all the time. This is how a lot of companies find out what the masses like. I mean, they have 200 NASL's shipped to the states and slap a Jackson Tag instead of a JStars logo on em and sell em as a limited edition guitar. See how it goes. sell em for the same price that they have em now in Japan (around 1500 bucks) and see if they can get in on that whole PRS is the HOLY GRAIL of tone Bullshit.
    they wouldnt even have to change from the Schaller to the OFR for most people, hell just offer the TOM version first with the option to custom order from Japan the Floyded version....
    It would rock... Hell I am having trouble not buying the all black NOS w/ EMGs on the Ikebi site thats only a grand
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    • #47
      Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

      Sully and Brad - All of those are excellent points. Yes I do remember the SweeTones being bashed, as well as the Charvel Traditional and Journeyman and Model A stuff.
      AMIC didn't like our replies and pulled the JCF link from the Mothership, as I recall.

      However, just because WE (collectively) didn't like something doesn't mean it's not a good idea, just the same way that just because WE (collectively) DO like something doesn't mean it IS a good idea. Neither case makes either one a GOOD or BAD idea, and the only way to find out is to give it a shot.

      I doubt they dropped the SweeTone line because of negative JCF reactions - my guess would be that the Arched/Bent Top Dinky body was not very popular, even though the neck profile was very "traditional" (i.e. LP, Strat, Acoustic). For the Jazz'R specifically, I'm betting it was the hard V neck profile that turned people off more than the logo or shape.
      But since no one took a survey, no one knows.

      And I'm not looking for the "awesome idea!" response. I'm looking for "we'll import a few and put the name on them and see how they do in sales".

      As for the website enhancement, we have asked before and we got Brad Traweek's response that basicalyl said changes made to the website have to be approved by the Committee and he's the only guy covering all of Fender's brands. If that's still true, then I won't bother mentioning it. It's not a source of important info for me. That's what the JCF is for.

      I'm not interested in paying for work order info, though I have volunteered to scan them (volunteer means for free) if they can get them to me.

      I have asked quite a few times for an Officially Licensed Jackson Parts deal with Warmoth, and that appears to be where Warmoth is heading. Whether Jackson approached Warmoth or Warmoth came here of their own volition, I don't know, but either way I hope they get an Official License.

      The lack of a catalog does concern me: How does a store shopper know what's available if everything they point to in the 2003 catalog is discontinued? Yeah the flagship USA models are still available - RR, KV, SL, etc - but when your largest market is the imports, and the catalog they're trying to shop from is full of discontinued models, they're going with ESP or Ibenhad, plain and simple.
      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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      • #48
        Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

        No offense Sully but there is a big big difference between Swee Tone Jazz guitars and NASL which is more of a straight up rock guitar. I think Newc makes a good point about suggestion. Take for example the thread on Signature series instruments in the Ask jackson area now. I had a better idea (I think) than the original one. Rather than just make them NAMM only or USA select models why not make Signature guitars such as the Kevin Bond in 100 run batches, rotating them out if they don't sell and keeping them if they do. They could launch one run of 100 at Winter Namm, sell it through to Summer Namm and then move onto a different artists. This would create a big demand for these more rare instruments, what made me personally think of this was a Rob C. signature Death Angel. I bet you that would sell very well. Even for the expensive import prices of the sig guitars. I know not all these limited runs would sell. But a Spitz XTRR might find a niche if occasionally every few years Jackson trotted out a run of 100 of em. Know what I mean? I didn't post that idea because of all the stuff being said here, I was tempted because I think its truely something that could benefit Jackson that they maybe didn't think of.

        And Jacksonite is right, companies use focus groups for exactly this purpose. Marketing is part of my job and I don't think there is any harm in tossing these ideas out to John. If he doesn't want to read them, hey thats fine. This is a independent site, and John is a big guy, he is doing us a favor by even stopping by. If he just wants to answer direct questions thats great. But I suspect that he would not be adverse to recieving some good ideas from loyal devoted fans. In the end its up to the mods here, I don't want to ruffle any feathers, which is why I didn't post anything in the thread about the sig models idea.

        Oh and I agree with Newc, I really hate it when someone says "thats what the custom shop is for". Not all of us are rich enough to have more than one custom. I know where the statement is coming from but at the same time it does annoy me.

        I hear you Sully about the NASL, I don't know how it sold in Japan, I doubt anyone here does. Regardless don't you think thats something that is worthy of being asked? What if that sort of crossover just never occured to Jackson. The fact is you just don't know. If John wants to say "ya know they didn't sell well in Japan so its probably not a direction we would go in" then whats the problem. Even if he says nothing at all but sees it. If I'm being honest I just think that aside from some tangental discussion and some barbs tossing in the inlay thread, nothing has gotten too far out of line that it would make John say "jesus, I'm never coming here again!". Just some food for thought for you admins, whatever you guys come up with is fine with me, but I figured I would just lay out exactly my feelings. I am sure some agree with me, others may not.


        • #49
          Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

          [ QUOTE ]
          No offense Sully but there is a big big difference between Swee Tone Jazz guitars and NASL which is more of a straight up rock guitar.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          the dude in lamb of god plays a swee-tone. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] someone tell him he's playing a jazz guitar, quick! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

          [ QUOTE ]
          Oh and I agree with Newc, I really hate it when someone says "thats what the custom shop is for". Not all of us are rich enough to have more than one custom. I know where the statement is coming from but at the same time it does annoy me.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          right, and again, i hear ya on that. i can't afford to go custom shop either. but you can't expect a company to create a production line to suit you because of it. that said, i do like what they're doing with charvels in that you can get maple necks, vtrems, and pickup configs, and it's all in the same model. that'd be neat to carry over.
          Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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          • #50
            Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

            [ QUOTE ]
            the dude in lamb of god plays a swee-tone.

            [/ QUOTE ]
            Holy shit, really? Thats hilarious! I refer to it as a jazz guitar because I mean really thats how it was marketed at first. And I mean the body is made of spruce! Total jazz guitar! I'm kidding, you can shred on anything of course, but you know what I mean.

            I definitely don't expect them to make some really specific guitar just because I want it. However I think the NASL as a production line guitar is a general enough idea that it doesn't qualify as "custom material" don't you agree? If anything its more like something that would be ideal for a 100 limited run. But you can't do a limited import or usa select run of a non standard shape..can you? Anyways, I'll shut up now, I've said my peace, its up to you guys to decide really.


            • #51
              Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

              Dear jackson,
              Hi my name is dave, i was wondering if you could do me a favor?I am broke, only have 300 bucks but i reallyyyyyyyy want a custom shop jackson.So you see me dilema, no money but need a custom shop guitar.Could you please make a bunch of guitars to my specs so i can afford one?I dont play in a band, so an endorsement isnt an option.I have lots of friedns that tell me i kick ass though, i can give you thier names if you want.Please do this for me.I have 300 bucks, help a brother out.


              • #52
                Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?


                I'm in the same boat, Dave. Although I don't have $300 together, having spent my Xmas money on Playstation 'n' stuff. But it'd be rooly cool if Jackson could build a line of guitars to my specs, so I can maybe think about possibly saving up for one. Unless some other shiny bauble distracts me. Like a new skateboard. I like skateboards. Slipknot rulz 4eva!!
                Hail yesterday


                • #53
                  Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                  I have nothing to say on this subject.........
                  "When a naked man is chasing a woman through an ally with a butcher's knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross"............ Dirty Harry


                  • #54
                    Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    Dear jackson,
                    Hi my name is dave, i was wondering if you could do me a favor?I am broke, only have 300 bucks but i reallyyyyyyyy want a custom shop jackson.So you see me dilema, no money but need a custom shop guitar.Could you please make a bunch of guitars to my specs so i can afford one?I dont play in a band, so an endorsement isnt an option.I have lots of friedns that tell me i kick ass though, i can give you thier names if you want.Please do this for me.I have 300 bucks, help a brother out.

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    See, your taking that issue to a faaaar extreme. Theres a big difference between a $1200 production guitar and a $4000+ CS guitar. I dont think anyone here is asking for a $300 guitar... Theyre asking for a guitar that is in the price range of an average working American... Its painfully obvious that people are willing to spend $1200+ on a production guitar, which is still a nice chunk of change, yet a fair price for a "custom" production guitar. Your making people look entirely too cheap, when in reality they are still willing to spend a good amount of money.

                    I havent been around here long enough to comment on the acual topic at hand, but as a consumer the above is my take on it, so Ill leave it at that. [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]
                    Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


                    • #55
                      Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                      sarcasm, its a bitch


                      • #56
                        Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                        lol no shit. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                        Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


                        • #57
                          Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          Theres a big difference between a $1200 production guitar and a $4000+ CS guitar. I dont think anyone here is asking for a $300 guitar... Theyre asking for a guitar that is in the price range of an average working American...

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          It's called a charvel ..
                          Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                          • #58
                            Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                            and i'm sorry, but there's not too many 4000.00 custom shop guitars. you're going off of full retail, here. while a c/s most certainly can be a grand more than a production model, there's not too many that go that high.

                            Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
                            Sully Guitars on Facebook
                            Sully Guitars on Google+
                            Sully Guitars on Tumblr


                            • #59
                              Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                              Damn, I miss the 80's. I could go down to the local geetar shop, plunk down 400 to 500 bucks, and have a quality instrument that would pretty much hold its value(at least in playability)for 20+ years.We all know that the Model series Charvels were a great bang for your buck.To me,today nothing comes close......................
                              Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


                              • #60
                                Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                                The CS Quote form says neck-thru starts at $3420 w/no options. Thats not correct? I figured that was the price, regardless of retail or what have you. I wouldnt know first hand beacuse Ive never tried to order one due to being relativley poor(not really, but too poor to spend a good 3+k on a guitar). Im nowhere near good enough to even deserve that good a guitar, and Ill admit that. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                                Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...

