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"Ask Jackson"?

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  • #61
    Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

    look at that the same way you look at MSRP for a car. that's 3420 list price, not actual cost.
    Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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    • #62
      Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

      Ahh, well I stand corrected. Thanks for the info!
      Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


      • #63
        Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

        I wish the Ask Jackson section would have stayed in line with the original intentions. Time and time again we seem to be unable to keep things simple and direct. I hope that Jackson jumping on the Dweezil/Green LE guitars was a way of saying "Look here you whiney fuckers, here's a batch of 20 kick ass shut the fuck up!!...." In this day and age..given the state of things..I think Jackson is doing the best that can be expected(and a damn good job). As has been stated before...have a problem?? go through the proper channels. Keep the pissing matches in the other forums..
        I've been around here for a while...and have a low post count. There is a reason.....Figure it out!!!
        The Buzzard does not fear
        The man in riot gear
        Harvest a skull of stone
        The Buzzard grows his own...


        • #64
          Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

          Great thread.....I laughed...I cried....I laughed again.

          Custom Guitars, Refinish and restorations.


          • #65
            Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

            like meatloaf through a straw, so are the days of our lives..... [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
            Hail yesterday


            • #66
              Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

              [ QUOTE ]
              Great thread.....I laughed...I cried....I laughed again.


              [/ QUOTE ]

              Nice to see you have a sense of humor .. now get back to work dammit [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
              Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


              • #67
                Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                [ QUOTE ]
                I think Jackson is doing the best that can be expected(and a damn good job). As has been stated before...have a problem?? go through the proper channels. Keep the pissing matches in the other forums..

                [/ QUOTE ]

                Thanks and agreed. There is no doubt in some instance they use this board as a springboard for ideas and to be able to influence the product you beleive in is a major thing and something to be proud of. It means they value you as a customer and your opinions. While I see some concerns here I am of the beleif that things are moving in the right direction. Are they prone to problems? Hell ya, they are human. The issue doesn't lie in the lack of quality because there isn't one. They make a quality product, but like any production line they have a yield rate. At the end of the day it is how they handle those problems and treat their customers that tell the full story.

                Do they listen?

                I've seen a post by Shawn getting a 25th certificate taken care of
                I've seen ltd stratheads and the return of the USA charvel line
                I've seen PC-1s converted to stratheads
                I've seen the return of Mike Shannon to the custom shop
                I've seen Mike Learn added as a painter
                there's been a lot of positives and while I see some people bitching about quality it makes me wonder if they were ever around to deal with the late AMIC years where they had the I don't give a crap attitude

                [ QUOTE ]
                I've been around here for a while...and have a low post count. There is a reason.....Figure it out!!!

                [/ QUOTE ]

                Yep, and usually it's the same people over and over again who like to be the squeaky wheel so you see some people get high post counts rather quicky
                Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                • #68
                  Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                  One point on the sales figures of NASLs. The one I have was an in-store display at an Ishibashi in Tokyo (Ishibashi is, from what I gather, the largest music store chain in Japan - like Guitar Center is here) and it sat in an acrylic display case for quite some time - According to the guy who bought it on my behalf, the store guy said it had been there at least a year and was never sold, though it was a playable demo. They had it on sale due to it being an older model (NASL-160) and they wanted to make room for the newer J1/J2 models coming out at the time.
                  But, then again, how many guitars have we seen in a store here in America that went unsold for a long period of time?

                  Another factor to consider in any market is the Current Trend Factor - a few years ago it was Kellys and King Vs because of Megadeth. Then it was RRs because of Roope and Alexi. I'm sure an LTD-type run will sell because of Zakk.
                  The SweeTone series hit at a time when the non-Metal crowd was heavily into PRSs, not carved-top/arched-top Dinkys and tone-chambered Jazz-styled guitars, though again, we haven't seen any sales figures. Obviously they weren't high enough to sustain the lines, but still, how high is "enough"?
                  Perhaps the sites need to be set a bit lower on any type of venture outside the proven market? You can't realistically expect to sell as many Jazz'Rs as you do King Vs or Soloists in 2 or 3 years, so putting that kind of quota on something like a SweeTone or XTRR or NASL is the wrong way to go IMO.

                  Despite the sarcasm, no I don't want a USA or Pro NASL for $300. I'm not rich, and normally I can't afford a Custom shop, but I do have 2 Customs on order - bolt ons to reduce the price but custom body types which raise it back up. It balances out to nearly the same as if I had ordered a standard Soloist with a reverse head or other such changes to a production model, but I get exactly what I want.

                  If I have to, I'll order a USA Custom NASL next year, though I'd rather see the model brought to the USA and/or Professional series, as I think it's got the potential to be a hit with the non-Metal/PRS crowd. Even if Jackson did bring it over, if there was an option/feature set that I wanted but was not available on the production model, I'd most likely go Custom Shop for it with no hesitation.
                  However, my other option, of course, is finding another one in Japan, or getting a semi-custom order through a Japanese dealer.

                  Either way, I'd still want to see the NASL as a USA and/or Pro series model.
                  I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                  The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                  My Blog:


                  • #69
                    Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                    I remember those AMIC years KM and you are absolutely right, much has changed and in my opinion all of it for the better. At first I was kinda leary about FMIC but I think they have done right by the Jackson/Charvel name.

                    I definitely don't think this board should be used as a sounding board for complaints. As Tekky said, thats what customer service is for. As a last resort its fine, as evidenced with Shawn.

                    And while you certainly won't see me crying if they don't add any of the ideas on the Ask Jackson thread, I see no harm in it, only good. And I've seen some responses on the Ask Jackson thread (such as John's response to Pete's Charvel post) that lead me to think that they do listen to what we say and are willing to if nothing else, examine our ideas. So I guess I fall somewhere in the middle as far as the way the thread should work. I don't think it should just be "anything goes" but I don't think it should just be single post, no response type threads. My 2 cents.

                    With you on the custom shop stuff Newc. I never asked for a custom shop guitar for 300 (sarcasm of the poster aside), far cry from 300 to a 1400+ USA Select model. And there is quite a difference between 1400 and what I am gonna be paying for my custom. Like Newc I am going bolt on to reduce cost but my original concept was not cheap and its been something I stuck with and saved towards for 3 years. Where I would not pay for a custom NASL I would buy a USA Select. And at some point if it doesn't happen I may try and get a STARS model, but also like Newc said I'd much rather buy a USA Select for a little more than a Japanese model (however nice) for less.

                    Ok thats all from me, I promise....probably [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                    • #70
                      Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                      [ QUOTE ]
                      Yep, and usually it's the same people over and over again who like to be the squeaky wheel so you see some people get high post counts rather quickly

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      squeak squeak squeak

                      So should I only give of myself and ask nothing in return from now on?

                      It's not everyone who takes the time to freely donate their knowledge of home recording, including walking anyone who asks step by step on how to get their recording balls rolling, or explaining to a total newbie the intricacies of setting up MIDI devices, as well as converting crappy MIDI versions of backing tracks of songs I don't even like to something a tad more suitable to actually record a real guitar over, as well as contributing positively in general with J/C-related info I've learned in my time here, all to help support a geetar board that I neither own nor administrate.

                      So I'm not a JCF sheep, is there a problem with that?

                      I am simply not the type to ask and take my "No" and go home. I want details, not just "No". I don't see it as black and white/yes or no, and I don't see it as "not negotiable". If I take the time to compose a sensible, thought-out spiel to present my particular point of view on such a thing and try to pre-address the concerns that always come up regarding such a venture, then I'd appreciate a modicum of respect in the form of a similarly thought-out reply with at least some detail as to why it can't/won't be considered.

                      I mean, I didn't kick the door in and say "Gimme this" - if I did, I'd understand a copy/pasted answer.
                      It just seems to me that the "try the Custom Shop" answer is entirely too much of a copout - at least consider the idea before you shoot it down, y'know?
                      Obviously I've considered the Custom Shop. That would pretty much serve my individual taste and desire for one guitar built to my specs, but this isn't about me getting a guitar I want, it's about a loyal customer trying to contribute to the growth of the brand I'm loyal to.

                      Is Customer Contribution not appreciated unless it's in the form of cash? I realize I'm not a Great And Powerful Oz around here, and I don't always toe the "Company Line", but that alone makes my non-financial input invalid?

                      squeak squeak squeak
                      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                      My Blog:


                      • #71
                        Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                        You are barking up the wrong tree there buddy, I didn't specify your name but it certainly seems like you feel guilty by association.

                        As far as ask Jackson goes you fail to remember what I posted in the read area... it was not an area for discussion and it's gotten way out of hand. Who want to read through all tha tB.S trying to find questions to answer ..
                        Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                        • #72
                          Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                          Welcome (Required reading before posting)
                          #433850 - Fri Apr 15 2005 02:32 PM ( Edit Reply Quote

                          This forum will be designated to interact with John Walker the marketing manager of Charvel/Jackson guitars. John will stop in from time to time and discuss product and/or answer questions regarding the guitars we love.

                          While we encourage participation there are a few ground rules for this forum .

                          Please be respectful within your posts. If you have a negative comment we are not looking to censor you we just ask that you be respectful in the manner you ask it ..

                          Please makes sure all questions are not redundant, if your not sure do a search of the forum and you might just find your answer.

                          Give it time, John cannot be here everyday to answer questions but will do his best.

                          Any questions that can be answered by more established members of the community are encouraged..

                          Members found to be abusing this forum will lose their access on the spot. This is meant to be informative and fun as well as give the membership an open door to speak with the company ......

                          Pleae note this forum isn't designated for forum discussions.. <font color="yellow">to keep an easy flow going please keep it to questions and answers only..We have other forums for interactive discussion ..
                          Have fun ..
                          The Admins ..

                          Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                          • #73
                            Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                            I am certainly big enough to accept the fact that I fall into the "same old squeaky wheel" category.

                            And yes I did read those when the section first opened up, but as has been stated time and again, the "go with the Custom Shop" answer doesn't really seem like "considering suggestions" to many people, especially me. I felt it necessary in this particular instance to stress the point that this idea was not a "what I want for Christmas" wish, but rather a viable suggestion for a model that would broaden Jackson's market beyond the current "Metal" niche but not be such a polar opposite like the SweeTones were.
                            If I or Jacksonite (who started the thread) had simply left it with "is this possible?", the statistical probability of getting the copy/paste "Custom Shop" answer would have been pretty high, which is very disheartening. Maybe a "we'll look into it" answer, with a timely follow up post of yes/no/maybe would lead more of us to believe that our ideas are actually being considered? As it is, I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels we're being told that our cash contributions are welcome, but our opinions are not.
                            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                            My Blog:


                            • #74
                              Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                              Would it be appropriate then, for us to have the discussion in the USA or Import section, and then copy/paste/quote the specifics to the Ask section? Maybe this would help with the unwanted "ramblings" that I am partly to blame for. I completely understand where you (admins) are coming from with the whole questions and answers thing, and I am cool with that. I am not trying to pose an argument here, but rather offer a solution that makes everyone comfortable. Obviously, the extra forum isnt practical, so if we want a product brought to the USA line, Newc would start that in the USA section, and the we would do our normal 12494757359478 babblings, and then someone would post the end result in the AJ section. (NASL) and the same thing with the KVMG in the imports. That would be way cool to me. We could even mark the threads in a certain way so you would know where we were going with it, (albeit pretty obvious when certain individuals are involved [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img])
                              Piney Hills New Site <------Clicky Clicky

                              CALL THE SHOP @ 318.232.3002

                              instock inventory


                              • #75
                                Re: \"Ask Jackson\"?

                                [ QUOTE ]
                                Would it be appropriate then, for us to have the discussion in the USA or Import section, and then copy/paste/quote the specifics to the Ask section?

                                [/ QUOTE ]

                                You can discuss whatever you like in the open forums provided they stay within the forum topic.

                                You can ask or say whatever you like in the ask jackson area, but it can't turn into a 5 page discussion which is exactly what is going on, it becaomes counter productive to the forum

                                Sorry if you don't like the Custom Shop answer. but if thats all they have for an answer you have to accept it and move can't beat it to death
                                Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~

