i dont know how long this has been up on the webpage or if it's been posted here before, but fuck yea.. it's been kinda hard tracking down diferent color finishes of the jacksons, but they put a cool color chart on the site, along with all the graphic finishes (well, most of them i guess hehe)
i know i know.. chech out the JCF gallery .... shuttup, it's all on the site now [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
carry on =P
i dont know how long this has been up on the webpage or if it's been posted here before, but fuck yea.. it's been kinda hard tracking down diferent color finishes of the jacksons, but they put a cool color chart on the site, along with all the graphic finishes (well, most of them i guess hehe)
i know i know.. chech out the JCF gallery .... shuttup, it's all on the site now [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
carry on =P