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Jason Becker prototype Charvel

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  • #31
    Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

    Why a blue Kahler Tim? Looks like from the pics that his guitar had a black Floyd on it (ie why would anyone choose to use a Kahler [img]/images/graemlins/sick.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]). Maybe I'm wrong, his hand is in front of the bridge in both so its hard to tell.

    As for pickups rings, for authenticity purposes I say go for it. I got pickup rings through warmoth but I think they have a minimum order..Mighty Mite probably carries pickups rings though.

    I'm glad to see this guitar came to somebody's hands that will give it the respect it deserves. Jason was and is in my opinion the best living guitars. Bold statment but I never heard anyone who made me say holy shit so many times in one album and yet could still play with taste, class and restraint.


    • #32
      Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

      Very cool! It'll look awesome with the new trem and pups. I say leave the rings off, too. [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • #33
        Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

        Looks nice. I almost bought that one day before I started hating Kevin. Can't wait to see it with the new hardware.


        • #34
          Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

          That is a freakin COOL guitar. [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]


          • #35
            Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

            [ QUOTE ]
            I say leave the rings off, too. [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

            [/ QUOTE ]

            <font color="aqua">heathens, I tell ya, HEATHENS!!!!!!! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] </font>
            Dave ->

            "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


            • #36
              Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

              Wow, looks like ya gonna make some very cool changes. I dunno bout pickup rings, I think it looks very badass like that


              • #37
                Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

                I plugged and redrilled the trem post holes to work with the Kahler 2500 bridge. Then I sanded the body down because it was completely unfinished and pretty dirty. I put on a couple coats of oil with urethane added. Hit it with 320 tonight and decided to bolt it together. I have not wired it yet. Here's some pictures with a few combinations of knobs, switch tip, and with/without rings. I'm favoring the no-ring look myself. Comments?

                I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                - Newc


                • #38
                  Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

                  Looks incredibly sweet!

                  still no rings, imho! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
                  You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                  • #39
                    Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

                    dude that is so KickAss! wow.

                    very unique guitar and it looks awesome after you cleaned up.
                    the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                    • #40
                      Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

                      I agree on the "no rings" version...

                      Although maybe the right colored rings would make it better...Not too sure what colors that would be though, lol

                      But I LOVE the guitar!



                      • #41
                        Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        Looks incredibly sweet!

                        still no rings, imho! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        +1 for my fellow country man


                        • #42
                          Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

                          Well since the rings aren't black like the original anyways I say no rings, That blue kahler actually looks pretty sweet. I have to admit that for all my hatred of the blasted things I have never tried that style of Kahler, only the hideous flat mount that leaves a giant hole in your guitar. That one looks much more compact and from a distance quite alot like a floyd. Is it more or less like a Schaller 475 with a tremolo bar? Cause thats what it seems like.

                          Suggested color combo for knobs/switch. Yellow top knob, bottom blue knob, red switch for color matching purposes. Especially without any rings to provide additional color, I'd go with what matches the bridge/pickups. Blue/Black knobs with a yellow or red switch would also work well.


                          • #43
                            Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

                            Looks really cool, Tim. No rings, yellow & blue knobs, red switch tip. Oh, and why don't you re-shape that headstock while you're at it?
                            Tarbaby Fraser.


                            • #44
                              Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

                              Man,How did you find this guitar?Did it use to be in production?
                              I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


                              • #45
                                Re: Jason Becker prototype Charvel

                                Looks very cool! I like the no rings....

