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Bare essentials

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  • Bare essentials

    I've spent the last year in a furious pursuit of getting the guitars of my youth.

    In this regard I've ended up with over 10 guitars.

    As I'm not a rich man, nor even one with "disposable income", I've decided that I need to reduce my colection of the important few, the ones I really play.

    I'm pretty much getting rid of most of them. Either I don't play them or they're just not "significant" in the History of Jackson/Charvel

    I'm keeping:
    1 Model 2
    1 Model 4 (looking)
    1 Model 6
    1 DK-2
    1 RR3 or RR5 (looking)

    These guitars represent to me the "Essential Imports" In a way they define the "best of the rest"

    Not valued USA Guitars, but perhaps the finer examples of the import series.

    To me, for the most part, they represent the heyday of the shred machine, something that started to fall away after 1989.

    If any of you are "thining" the herd. What are some of the guitars you "need" to keep?!?

  • #2
    Re: Bare essentials

    If any of you are "thinning" the herd. What are some of the guitars you "need" to keep?!?
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">These ARE keepers!
    1) 94 LP Custom
    2) 92 LP Custom
    3) 81 Flying V
    4) 76 Explorer
    5) 90 Explorer
    6) 93 RR Custom
    7) 00 RR1T
    8) 00 KE2
    9) 01 KV2
    10) 89 Mod.6

    got to go
    1) 70's Samick LP Custom(actually a sweet player)
    2) NJ Neckthru Mockingbird (modded) don't use it)
    3) Epi SG Custom (modded and nice)
    4) ESP Phoenix (unsure about this one)
    5) Mexi Strat (all high end parts) dont use it

    [ February 04, 2003, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: StukaJU87 ]
    Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


    • #3
      Re: Bare essentials

      This is a funny subject for me. I paid little or no attention to what equipment my favorite bands used, so when I first started playing around twelve years ago, price was my only concern. My first guitar was an $85 Harmony, the second a Squier. Then I took up bass for a few years, trading up as I could afford it. It wasn't until I got tired of playing in garage bands after college, that I got back into guitar and saw a Guitar Center ad for the Jackson JS1 Dinky Reverse. It was $200 then (same as today) and was all I could justify spending. After playing that Jackson neck, I was hooked.

      I've since bought and sold a number of guitars, and I now have 10, with the 11th coming home in a couple of weeks. The absolute essentials for me would be:

      DR2 - gift from my girlfriend
      KV2 - my only USA neck-thru
      JDX-94 Concept Dinky - my only "custom" done by a local Jackson tech
      Soloist Pro - bought from same tech, refinished at GMW
      Hamer Californian Elite - too cool to part with

      I like my other guitars, all Jackson or Hamer, but those listed above are the must-have members of the family. Playing guitar is my only serious hobby, so I don't mind putting some money into it.


      • #4
        Re: Bare essentials

        I already have:

        Yamaha Weddington Classic
        Aria Pro CS400
        Peavey Destiny Custom
        Jackson Fusion

        I need to get:

        Yamaha Weddington Custom (so my clasic doesn't get lonely)
        Gibson Les Paul Standard (Just to look at)
        Dean Evo Premium
        Fernandes Ravelle Custom
        Aria Pro PE Custom (early 80's model)
        Jackson Warrior
        Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


        • #5
          Re: Bare essentials



          • #6
            Re: Bare essentials

            Interesting thought exercise...

            main axe - beat to $hit '88 reverse headstock Hamer Californian upgraded with EMGs and an OFR
            backup - beat to $hit '88 Hamer Californian upgraded with an OFR

            others essentials -
            Hamer Vintage S s-s-h with blocked Floyd
            Jackson 1 hum snakeskin Dinky
            Washburn steel string
            Guild classical
            no-name beater bass

            never selling -
            Kramer "no bozos" Baretta (first electric)
            Tom Anderson koa Grand Am (special gift)

            Everything else is just for fun, and could be parted with if things got bad enough. In fact, there are 3-4 I *should* get rid of 'cos they serve no purpose.

            [ February 03, 2003, 10:28 PM: Message edited by: ElectricPhase ]
            This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO


            • #7
              Re: Bare essentials

              I'm insane and I know it. I have a very hard time selling guitars. I have no room for any more but just keep buying every time I find a great deal. I think I'm over 50 now. At first, just to make room, I sold off everything that wasn't USA except for the neck-thru Japanese Charvels. I still really love those things and have 2 Model 5A's, 1 5fx, and a 750XL. I also kept 2 flametop Japanese Kelly Stars because I love the body shape(hate the trems!).

              In all my collecting, I've only sold 1 USA Charvel/Jackson guitar. Everything else I've kept and I just don't see selling any of them off. At this point, I have no idea where to even put any more guitars. My walls are full of guitars and my closets are stuffed full of cases. I just got 2 in last week and am trying to figure out where to put them [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

              Beware folks! It's a disease!


              • #8
                Re: Bare essentials

                Now you tell me. This forum should have a disclaimer.

                Something like: the contents of this forum can lead to habitual spending and increased excuse making to those around you, as to why you need another Charvel/Jackson guitar.


                • #9
                  Re: Bare essentials

                  Greg, you can keep about 15 of those guitars at my house. I got room, climate controlled, nice dry area, no problem, no kids, either! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


                  • #10
                    Re: Bare essentials

                    WOW!!!! Thats a tough question. With 24 guitars its a tough choice cus I play them all. But the bare essentails would probably be something like this.
                    '76 LP Custom
                    94 Strat Plus (gotta have a strat in the arsenal)
                    92 Jackson Stealth Pro( 1st Jackson)
                    Epi FT140 acoustic (1st guitar)
                    SL1 eeridessant swirl.
                    San Dimas Strat Head.
                    Custom shop Jackson Strat (lightning sky,reverse HS)
                    96 US Dean Z
                    and probably my 92 Charvel Fusion crackel finish
                    oh and my Hot rod ist custom built i did my self. My infamous Dean Bel Aire.


                    • #11
                      Re: Bare essentials

                      I've already thinned the herd:

                      Jackson SL1 :lol

                      I still have some cheap guitars lying around for sentimental value.. but no more KE2, BC Rich Warlock USA (god i loved that guitar [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] ), and no more Les Paul... but i'm looking for another guitar so i dunno.


                      • #12
                        Re: Bare essentials

                        I did the same thing a few months ago. I decided I really didn't need all these cool guitars around and sold off pretty much everything. In the process I discovered GMP Guitars and now use two of them exclusively, and still have my old GMW/Whatever strat at home. Thats it!


                        • #13
                          Re: Bare essentials

                          I've had as many as seven guitars in the house at once...Various guitars including a couple ESP and Hamer guitars as well as a beautiful Yamaha Archtop..(I should not have sold it, too late.) Well, they are all gone and I'm down to the basics..
                          2002 USA SLATQ-90
                          2000 C.S. ARCH TOP SOLOIST-minibuckers
                          1994 C.S. Dinky w/3 stacked single coils
                          2001 C.S. JJ Camouflage-90
                          Enough to keep any Jackson Freak busy..


                          • #14
                            Re: Bare essentials

                            I cannot part with any of my guitars. I did twice, I sold a very nice Epi Les Paul to a good friend of mine who looks after it carefully, so no regrets. Well, practically gave it away really. I just don't like the LP body style. And I simultaneously sold him my Boss GT3. Never used it anyway. And I gave a korean performer Rhoads to another friend of mine, aspiring guitar player and gave him some lessons.

                            But I'll never part with the 7 guitars I own now. Five american Jacksons, an ancient Ibanez Roadstar II (my very first electric) and a Samick acoustic.


                            • #15
                              Re: Bare essentials

                              '79 Ibanez Iceman
                              PC3 proto
                              SL3 w/black hardware
                              KVX10 neckthru proto

                              Considering selling:
                              Model 1
                              Samick ES-335 copy
                              2 random cheapass LP knockoffs

                              I've got a few others nobody would ever buy. A Harmony, a fairly beat up Ibanez S series, and a really badass parts guitar I built.

