Well, since there's been a trend lately of people putting up pictures of their gear, I thought I might do the same. I've been thinking of unloading 2 or 3 to fund something else. So I thought this was as good a time as any.
Concerning the picture itself, my house has horrible lighting. The pic with the flash sucked, and the one without sucked even more. One of these days I'll learn to set up a good pic. Until then, enjoy the crappy pics. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
1st row: USA Wolgang Special FM, USA Hamer Californian Standard, USA Hamer Special FM, USA Hamer Mirage I, USA Hamer Artist Korina HB
2nd row: Charvel 750xl X's 3, Charvel 650xl, USA Jackson JJP
Top Center: Homemade maple neck thru Korina V
Concerning the picture itself, my house has horrible lighting. The pic with the flash sucked, and the one without sucked even more. One of these days I'll learn to set up a good pic. Until then, enjoy the crappy pics. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

1st row: USA Wolgang Special FM, USA Hamer Californian Standard, USA Hamer Special FM, USA Hamer Mirage I, USA Hamer Artist Korina HB
2nd row: Charvel 750xl X's 3, Charvel 650xl, USA Jackson JJP
Top Center: Homemade maple neck thru Korina V