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Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

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  • #76
    Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

    good analogy, McD. [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]
    Hail yesterday


    • #77
      Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

      [ QUOTE ]
      Why doesn't Cadillac have a car in NASCAR? Do they need pro drivers to convince everyone they're selling good cars? We've got guys on our roster that play Jackson guitars for the right reasons. There's no Wizard of Oz element behind it. They play Jacksons for the same reason you do - because there is nothing better and there is no substiute for a Jackson guitar. It's really that simple and I don't know what else to say.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      That's the point I was trying to make. except I went the long version [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

      I truly believe the artist list is up to par, could you have them do clinics around the country? or is that even realistic to ask them to?
      Guitars... Rhoads RX10D
      Amp... Pioneer
      Effects... Boss ME-20


      • #78
        Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

        We've talked about clinics ...
        \oo/. .\oo/ @


        • #79
          Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

          i think it all comes down to the entry level guitars as well. as far as asthetics, those JS jacksons and even the ones that are a step higher (KE3, RR3, ect ect) just dont look that appealing compared to others in the price range. they just look cheap, and kids are immediately attracted to looks. sure the lower end jacksons may play better, but do kids really care about that when they are first starting out?


          • #80
            Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

            [ QUOTE ]
            We've talked about clinics ...

            [/ QUOTE ]


            that's where you start [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

            with the subtle changes you've made already "Jackson" will be the gear to have "again" IMO [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
            Guitars... Rhoads RX10D
            Amp... Pioneer
            Effects... Boss ME-20


            • #81
              Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

              Some of the most successful marketing strategies have used things that don’t even relate to the items that are being promoted. Beer companies are a great example. Bud has been using this strategy for years. They had a dog “Spuds Mackenzie” that was so popular that most people would refer to that breed as a “spuds”. The swamp creatures in the Bud commercials are big. Coors had the Swedish Bikini Team. Of course Bud / Coors received complaints from women / animal groups for using these images, which gave more exposure, or free exposure. They reached a group that was not intended for, supposedly, (under age) that upset government officials. Kids had posters, tee shirts, etc... . So they were accused of promoting under age drinking. Well, hard to prove, but chances are when a person turns of age, their first legal brew at a pub is going to be the one with the hottest chick poster promoting their beer. Guys or girls will want to be associated with the beautiful people, not because they really like the taste of Bud.

              So, the question is “Does Jackson need up and coming metal guitarist?” to promote. Not sure. Sometimes it is just a matter of luck … Could you picture someone like Paris Hilton that was wearing a Jackson Tee Shirt when she was in that fender bender a month or so ago? That little video was played all over the news for weeks. You can’t buy that kind of promo.
              The INXS show that was on last year had great ratings. During on of the shows, Gibson gave a guitar to the final 10 or so. Not cheap by any means, but what a value. It wasn’t just the few minutes they show the finalist getting guitars, but also they would show the people in their rooms playing the Gibson’s in following shows. Smart move.

              Look at all the other ways to promote that don’t require a guitarist

              If you are trying to reach the young, you better go to them. Where are they, you ask? With their iPods, My Space and cell phones. Where are the FREE downloads of Jackson Metal guitar licks ring tones and backgrounds of guitars for my phone. I want a iPod RR 1 protection sleeve. Where is the Jackson banner when some kid logs on to My Space? The Jackson web site could be more interactive. On line clinic? Lick of the week by Jackson artist? Guitar generator. Photo contest.

              I wish there was some cooler stuff that carried the Jackson logos. Fender has much more to choose from. Of course, Fender has a broader market and more history. A RR wallet would have been on my Xmas list. Harley Davidson is king with this stuff. They sell attire even to people who have not been on a bike. The funny bumper sticker with the “Play this and you won’t go blind” should be on a Tee also. Could you see Halo’s Master Chief with Jackson?

              Jenna was a brilliant move for Jackson. That’s what I’m talking about! But, where is the full size cut out when I go into a guitar center? Why is she not hitting the guitar stores signing autographs? Talk about leaving a lasting impression on todays youth. It would be Vai who?

              Nike has Jordan to push shoes. It was not cheap, but they did get what they paid for. Addis did not have a big name. It was rap group RUN DMC that gave Addis a huge demand. They were not even signed.

              Of course, I do not really know crap about any thing with endorcements. Nor do I know what Jacksons goals are. I just want to see the Jackson Bikini Team coming to a bar near me with their calendar and trading cards.
              ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


              • #82
                Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

                nice post Absolut Charvel [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
                Guitars... Rhoads RX10D
                Amp... Pioneer
                Effects... Boss ME-20


                • #83
                  Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

                  absolut(e)ly! [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
                  Hail yesterday


                  • #84
                    Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

                    awesome post [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]


                    • #85
                      Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

                      How would it benefit alot of us anyway? we wouldn't get any money from OTHER PEOPLE getting endorsement deals. We still have Jackson guitars that we could buy. Of course it would be cool to see guitarists on TV playing Jacksons, but if they don't, so what? as long as they're playing good music it doesn't matter. They could play awesome solos on a squier strat for all i care, just as long as the music is good.
                      93 USA Soloist EDS
                      USA HT6 Juggernaut
                      Charvel DK24FR


                      • #86
                        Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        One of the reasons I'm back at Jackson is to get the artist roster back up. I've got a few guys that are amazing players in the traditional Jackson style. Mark Morton from Lamb of God, Corey from Trivium, Phil from Machine Head... all are amazing players that are on the rise. I'll be looking to expand the list as time goes by, but we've got some good up and coming guys (in addition to the above) and it's a legitimate endorsement for all of the right reasons. First and foremost, because they WANT to play Jacksons and they know what the guitars are about. I know that they represent Jackson with the way that they play too... anyway, I couldn't resist kicking the dead horse square in the ass one last time....

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        What about adding Mille Petrozza (Kreator) to the list?? He's got a cpl of custom Jacksons!!
                        I love admins!


                        • #87
                          Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

                          Where I'm sitting, Jackson/Charvel are labeled as shredder guitars. I don't find too many kiddies around here that translate shredder = guy who can play bar chords and more. The kids think shredding is about showing off and doesn't apply to anything that's current and cool. Of course I think this stereotype is wrong but getting more metal shredders on the list will only keep the company in that niche.

                          I think they should get a variety of talent on board. How about including the country scene too with some new Model 7's? On another note, I don't think they should jump on the signature series bandwagon unless it's a top notch player. In recent years I've seen goofy models from other companies like PRS Billy Martin SE, Blink 182 Fender, and whoever makes that Powerman 5000 model. IMO, models attached to players like them cheapens the product line.


                          • #88
                            Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

                            Kreator is cool --> link
                            |My CSG gallery|


                            • #89
                              Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

                              Kreator is incredible and Mille has been playing his Jackson's forever. [img]/images/graemlins/band.gif[/img]
                              Tarbaby Fraser.


                              • #90
                                Re: Should Jackson reboost their endorsers list?

                                Kreator = Riot of Violence. Nuff said. (now I am dating myself but that was a cool song back in the day).

                                Back on topic. I think that there are younger guys out there who are starting to get the idea that there is more to playing than de-tuning and bar chords. I have been listening to the local stations and I a starting to hear newer stuff whihc shows some attempt at guitar ability. I think these things go in cycles and being able to play is on the rise.
                                "I''ll say what I'm gonna say, cuz I'm going to Hell anyway!"

