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Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

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  • Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

    hey guys i just wanna rant. i live in an apartment complex (part of a divorce settlement) and today i got my first warning for my guitar being "too loud". what the crap is up with this?! these nutsacks can't take a RR5 blasting through a whole less than 1/4 volume of a Crate GFX 212?! the neighbor below likes my music and the people next door are never home so its some crackhead like sorta below and to the left... grrr... these retarded kids all slammin doors at all hours while i'm tryin to sleep and i can't jam out to some nice healthy southern metal when i want to?! what is this horrible world coming to?

    i guess it could be worse, at least i'm not a drummer [img]graemlins/images/icons/mad.gif[/img]

    i only have to be here for a few more months so i'll just bide my time... on the last day... oh yeah... maybe ill have my mesa halfstack by then [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

    dadgummit! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

    Find a song by MX Machine called "F@#k the neighbor".
    It allways pissed mine off when I was a kid.


    • #3
      Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

      yeah dude, neighbors piss me off, I would just tell the guy to go get ****ed.


      • #4
        Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

        Umm, how about trying the Non-Jackson/Charvel Talk section next time? I'm failing to see what this has to do with C/J guitars.
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #5
          Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

          I live in an apartment too, but my neighbors don't seem to care what I'm doing. I have an old lady that lives below me and I've even taken the initiative to ask if the loud music bothers her. Apparently she doesn't hear it so all is good! I feel for ya though, apartments suck ass!


          • #6
            Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

            Depends on the neighbors of course. But the odds are that out of the 4 or so people living around your apartment 3 will be whining at the slightest chance. Good thing my neighbors don't mind if I play quite loud and are surprisingly even interested of what I do. Lucky me [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


            • #7
              Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

              That's why I own the house next door.. hehe... And the people on the other side are afraid of me...

              "Oh, I'm so sorry about the music being so loud... And by the way, your rent is going up next month, have a nice day!"


              • #8
                Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

                Clealand Metal has the right idea. Chances are if your neighbors are scared of you they won't complain. When I am at school I have to live in an apartment.

                I use to have these asian people below me and they would just leave a note on my door. It sucked cause if they would of just asked me I would have turned it down. Instead I got louder. Then they moved.Yea. My next door neighbors and me are cool so they don't care. Now I got some guy and his woman below me. He is one of those kind of guys that won't say hi or look you in the eye. Its great I play louder, than I ever have here. Without so much as a peep out of them. I can feel the bass thump in my feet. Their ceiling.

                Then there's my girl that I only get to see about every other weekend. Needless to say the first night we always go out to dinner have a few drinks. Then come home and stay up all night know. Anyway my bed room is right above theirs. I am truly the neighbor you can only hope you never have. HAHAHA

                Then there is my morning hour or two before class metal-play-along with the stereo sessions.

                I was thinking about writing them a little song. I am gonna call it "Wake The F*CK UP"

                Actually if they ever complained I would gladly turn it down.

                [ February 17, 2003, 09:07 PM: Message edited by: LRGman ]


                • #9
                  Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

                  next time try some real metal-play pull the plug or zombie ritual-see what they say after you blast that! [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img]


                  • #10
                    Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

                    Hey exalon: Maybe they just didnt like the tone from your GFX 212! [img]graemlins/poke.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] (I had one for two weeks)

                    Before my divorce I had a house with a garage and the first time I got a complaint was when I shot a dirty look at my drummer for playing while I was trying to tune my guitar. He started smashing his symbols purposely to piss me off, so I start making my guitar feed back and pull the crap out of my Floyd. We just went nuts trying to out do each other (I had a Marshall full stack at this time) and all the sudden Dale stops, I turn to see what he's looking all surprised at and there a friggn R.C.M.P standing at the door shaking his head. [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img]

                    Another time a neighbor from a block away came over drunk and told me he called my landlord! [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img] So there I am this 22 year old punk standing there with all my neighbor friends just smiling. "I am the landlord you a$$ hole"! Then all my neighbors started telling him to F off! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] A moment I'll always treasure.
                    edit piss poor spelling

                    [ February 17, 2003, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: Dave ]


                    • #11
                      Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

                      my neighbors are awesome... since I just moved in, I asked a few days ago if I was playing too loud and if I was disturbing them. They were just like "hell no! crank that **** up and I'll come to jam with ya!"..


                      • #12
                        Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

                        I fell for ya. I live in an apartment myself. I got a complaint letter from the landlord and a copy of the lease with the noise statute highlighted in yellow. The letter said they had received many complaints about loud music coming from my apartment. The funny thing is this was during the Christmas season and i was at work for 60 hrs a week and was hardly ever home anyway. And when I did happen to play at night I used headphones. After nine years in the same complex and never a problem with noise i get a complaint from some idiot cus i played my guitar without the headphones twice at 9:00pm on a Friday. WTF
                        And the kicker is I haven't played any louder than I usually do or have since I've been here. Yet the neighbors kids next door to me can crank up the hip hop station and pound on the floors and jump around and make all kinds of noise. What's up with that? What's up with the noise regulations in apartments anyway. When the maintenance crew can start cutting the grass at 7:30am but we cant make noise between 9am and 10pm? Sorry just annoyed at the hypocrisy


                        • #13
                          Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

                          Check your Lease and check with your Police and find out what the Noise ordinance is.

                          Also complain to the landlord about the kids and the door slamming you pay rent you have rights

                          [ February 17, 2003, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: JacksonShredder ]


                          • #14
                            Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

                            When I lived in an apartment man I would crank it up and still never got a complaint ONCE... and when they did hear it(they could hear it outside my window) then they said to keep it up... lol...

                            Now in the house with my Legacy, I can still crank it up as loud as it can go and the neighbors won't care... if they did come over I'd tell them to go cry me a fudgin' river.. [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img]


                            • #15
                              Re: Pantera + apartments = pissed off neighbors

                              We had these real annoying yuppies upstairs, in our apartment complex. Thee lady used to bang the cupboards shut, slam doors, wake us up all night long with her constant noise. I got tired of complaining to the property manager, and decided it was time to take my own action. I had this AVT50 for a while, and it was loud on volume setting 2. One Saturday, we were getting ready to leave, and I decided I'd see how loud a 50 watt amp really was. I rolled the volume on the guitar down, and turned the amp up to 8. I hit an open "E" chord, and rolled up the volume slowly. I held it just until the feedback started comin' on. Keep in mind I was heading to a shooting match, at 0630. I heard 'em moving around, and knew it was time for phase 2. I rolled back down the guitar, and rolled the amp up top 10, except this time I laid it on it's back. Another open "E", and rolled back up the volume. Let me tell you, 50 watts is pretty freakin' loud! I let it go until the feedback was just screeching, and held it for another 30 seconds, at least. They moved the next weekend, I won. The little yuppie puke never had the cajones to confront me, either. Coward.

