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great white band/night club fire

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  • #91
    Re: great white band/night club fire

    Legally the circumstances of this significantly horrifying event will be covered by the "Force Majeure"... until the burden of proof becomes clear.


    • #92
      Re: great white band/night club fire

      Regardless of whoever is lying about the permission to use pyro's, as a business owner they are responsible for anything that happens in their place of business. Even if the band didn't have explicit permission(which I doubt), the club owner is liable.

      I feel the truth is probably they both agreed verbally that and neither one wanted the hassle or expense of getting permits. In my mind they are both responsible. On one hand the band is trying to keep costs down and are guilty of complacency of it just being another routine gig in some small town. Then the owner is trying to make as much money as possible too. It isn't cheap to operate a club that has live music. Where I live live music is rare because insurance is so much.

      You have to have a certain amount of common sense. I know very little about pyrotechnics. But I do know enough to look around an see if anything is flammable(either outdoors or indoors) and have a fire extinguisher handy.

      What a sad trajedy. Both parties are at fault and someone is going to hang for this. The fact is that monetary issues are probably the least of anyones worry at this point. Even if it was only a minor charge of negligent homocide, there are 97 counts. Someone is going to jail. You would go to jail if it were only 97 traffic violations.

      Then to top it off you have all these club owners who let them have pyro's without a permit stepping up to say GW used them without permission. They are doing this to save their own asses cause every municipality in the country is going to be scrutinizing live music clubs. Local prosecuters are going to be looking to jump on the band wagon and rid there community of this menace. But in reality it is just an opportunity fo the some small town polititians to build a constituency and get votes.


      • #93
        Re: great white band/night club fire

        Very well said, Leon.

        This is a tragedy that's already degenerated into a smorgasbord for the opportunistic vultures drawn by the smell
        of death - and scandal. The media, politicians, anti-rock organizations, all
        in a feeding frenzy. They care less about the victims than about the "cause"
        they can now carry to victory in the next election, or maybe their own show on their news network.

        I WOULD like to see the grandfather clause eliminated from provisions for the
        pblic safety. A sprinkler system would have saved most or all those people and wouldn't have cost much. Hell, 3 or 4
        people with fire extinguishers, responding quickly enough, may have made
        a big difference!
        Ron is the MAN!!!!


        • #94
          Re: great white band/night club fire

          Apparently Rhode Island buildng code states that and acoustical or sound material must be maintained fireproof ..
          Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~

