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Just got screwed

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  • Just got screwed

    Hey hey. I'm soo mad right now. I made a deal with "Route 101" guitars for a 1984 RR1. I made an offer on the guitar and for 2 days they said, cool the guitar is yours. IS YOURS. I was about to call to make the payment and the guy I was talking to-Mark I think, says, "we had another person offer $75 dollars more". I'm like what? We had a deal. Not we have a deal, but we are still taking offers. I said if another call came in you should have said it is sold and hung up. I can understand if they wanted to wait a bit to see it anybody else wanted to pay more, but he told me "it's yours". Damn i'm mad. Be carful of this place. I was soo looking forawrd to gettin a San Dimas RR1 too. I put a guitar in pawn to pay for it, now I'm out money and I don't get the guitar...AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH.
    H3LL IS HOME!!!

  • #2
    Re: Just got screwed

    Why didn't you make the payment when your offer was accepted??
    Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


    • #3
      Re: Just got screwed

      No kidding. Untill you put money down, anything is up for grabs.



      • #4
        Re: Just got screwed

        Regardless, the seller should have been more honest instead of that "the guitar is yours" crap.


        • #5
          Re: Just got screwed

          You know fella's, just my two cent's here but doesn't a man's word mean a damn thing is this world anymore?? You know this stuff with Word's Carvin and now this really pisses me off. All you guys come around saying "Well, till the money is there.. it ain't yours" to me is bullsh*t. What it all boils down to is integrity, not economics IMHO. If this guy says "It's yours", then as far as I concerned the deal is done. I recently sold my GMW Crossed Swords guitar for $1,000.00 to a guy, it was listed on Ebay at the time and in the meantime while we were working out the particulars of the deal offline, the bid got up over $1,000.00. Now I could have been an ass and told the guy "Hey man, sorry but the bid's over the $1,000.00 we agreed on, so either pay more or I'll sell it to this guy, etc...". I had already told the guy it was his for $1,000.00 and the deal is done, I don't go crying because I could have made a little more money. I just cancelled the bids, ended the auction and slept good that night. To me, my word is worth more than that little extra $$$ I might have made. With Word's Carvin, it's a little different but basically the same. It all boils down to integrity, but Greed has a way of raising it's ugly head. As I said, just my opinion and just like a**hole's... everyone has one! [img]graemlins/brow.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: Just got screwed

            Different thing all together .. your talking a store which is someone's livelyhood .. all is fair.. these people make their living by sales .. with that said think of it from this point of view. How many times do you hear someone say their gonna buy something only to just let it go .. it happens a lot .. I'm sure they ahve heard it time and time again .. that's why money talks ..
            Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


            • #7
              Re: Just got screwed

              Your right Stephen. A man's word is bond. If you give your word you should follow through regardless of circumstance.

              The shop should have at least called him back and said do you still want the guitar. Pay for it now or its sold. Chances are the shop told whoever was looking at it the guitar that they already had an offer for such and such and didn't accept it.

              Salesmen are opprtunist's that is how thye make a living, which is cool everyone has to make a living. But it is pretty short sighted to blow of a customer for $75 that will never bring a cent to your store again. Bad busines and sh*tty morals. What an idiot.

              [ February 21, 2003, 05:16 PM: Message edited by: LRGman ]


              • #8
                Re: Just got screwed

                Different thing all together .. your talking a store which is someone's livelyhood .. all is fair.. these people make their living by sales ..
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">While I understand your point, that is all the more reason NOT to do what this guy did. If you go around doing this enough, and you piss of enough people by doing this suddenly your name becomes Head Froman (name changed to protect the innocen... no wait, well you get the idea!!). I know there are alot of "tire kickers" out there and I'm sure it happens alot, but what you do that situation is CYA... Tell the next guy "hey I've got a pending deal on this and I'll give him (X) amount of time to pay up. If he doesn't come through, then it's yours" and so on. In today's world, you have Paypal (instant money) or Priority Mail (2-3 days). It's not like you have to wait weeks to get your cash and if you need it that fast, don't sell online.. Just the way I see it, I don't know maybe I'm just old fashioned but that's the way I am...


                • #9
                  Re: Just got screwed

                  unfortunately ..not everyone conducts business according to the same code of ethics, and not everyone has the cash to proceed with an immediate sale.. but if the price was agreed upon beforehand, some amount of money down should've secured the sale until full payment was made.

                  Deals fall thru, I've had many that stayed with me, I'll never forget them. Not everybody plays fair when the $ is involved, so I don't expect people to be.


                  • #10
                    Re: Just got screwed

                    i'm with stephan and LRGman on this one, if you say that the guitar is yours(if thats in fact what happened) then it's his don't sell it out from under him, be a man of your word and if you want to keep your options open let him now what's going on, what it all boils down to is honesty, it's laking in this world, sad to say, everybody is after the all mighty dollar [img]graemlins/nono.gif[/img] ther is more to life than .02


                    • #11
                      Re: Just got screwed

                      Hey hey. I was contacted yesterday after my bank closed, and I was to put the dough in and call them. So today when I went to do that, they say the whole $75 thing. Like I said I can understand wanting more, but I was told at least 3x it's mine for the agreed price. Then they email me and this happends. I belive a customer service business should have been truthfull to there word. Even private sales too. A company that is up and comming should really want to make a name for themselves and follow thru. I guess I'm just pissed is all. I never conduct business this way when I deal with my customers.
                      H3LL IS HOME!!!


                      • #12
                        Re: Just got screwed

                        I can sympathize with your feelings, but
                        money talks, especially with a phone order from someone they don't actually know. If it was your corner music store I'd see a little more justification.

                        You could have offered a deposit over the phone when your offer was accepted. Surely you didn't get ALL the $ from pawning a guitar? What kind of guitar DID you pawn, that you got enough from a
                        pawnshop to buy a San Dimas Rhoads? From
                        my pawnshop experience it'd have to be a
                        '57 Les Paul!

                        Having said that, instad of hanging up I'd have asked for the owner, and told him that the salesman told you the guitar was yours. You might have gotten the axe
                        for the agreed-on price, or split the diff, or maybe pay $75 more but get an extra to make up for it. It would've been worth a try.

                        You can't take it personally, but to them
                        you're a voice on the phone until some cash comes through. Stores experience a
                        much higher flake/renege ratio than we do
                        running an occasional Ebay auction.
                        Ron is the MAN!!!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Just got screwed

                          Hey hey. I did get all the cash from the pawn shop. I pawned my 1978 Ibanez Paul Stanley PS10. The RR was not even close to mint, so it was a great price. It needed alot of work. I did email the store and tell them-hey we had a deal, but they just said "sorry for the inconvinience-hope you find a guitar that suites your needs". Anyway-whatever. I'm over it..Lesson learned. Your right money talks. I just needed to vent. Thanks guys.
                          H3LL IS HOME!!!


                          • #14
                            Re: Just got screwed

                            Originally posted by mr426:
                            Hey hey. I did get all the cash from the pawn shop. I pawned my 1978 Ibanez Paul Stanley PS10. The RR was not even close to mint, so it was a great price.
                            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wow! My pawnshop will only loan me $150
                            for my 1977 Gibson Les Paul Standard! Is
                            a PS10 worth more than a Les Paul? Maybe
                            I need to go to your pawnshop next time!

                            Anyway, I'm sorry you didn't get the guitar.

                            Ron is the MAN!!!!


                            • #15
                              Re: Just got screwed

                              ... so whatcha gonna buy now that you got some cash? [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                              [ February 21, 2003, 11:09 PM: Message edited by: nor ]
                              750xl, 88LE, AT1, Roswell Pro, SG-X, 4 others...
                              Stilletto Duece 1/2 Stack, MkIII Mini-Stack, J-Station, 12 spaces of misc rack stuff, Sonar 4, Event 20/20, misc outboard stuff...

                              Why do I still want MORE?

