I think it looks great!!!!
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What do you think of the new and improved JCF?
Once you get into a sections such as classifieds, everything just looks all bunched up to hell and back....like the threads are listed to close together. Other than that...it looks good.-Lou" I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen
Wow....Hey admins, I really like this new format. I gotta get used to it, but great job!
By the way, do you know what I was doing at work yesterday? WORKING because there was no JCF. And when I got home, do ya know what I did? I talked to whoever was in my house. It was akward for all of us, hehe. Just kiddin, but it's good to be back
Originally posted by IrfaanSE801Holy crap, where did the Non J/C Talk section go? And the Ask Jackson, basically everything that was after Limited Edition Guitars I can't see. Anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
can't read a fuckin thing
man my eyes don't seem to find the text
this hurts
my eyes go round and round at the page
don't know where i am
with every step i have to look closely and concentrate doing the right thing
man i really have to get used to this