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What do you think of the new and improved JCF?

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  • Looks great!


    • The more I mess around with it the more I like it. I do think it could use a little more color. Kinda lose track with just the black/white contrast on everthing. Maybe something that stands out better to show unread threads.
      Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you yunick jelly thou!


      • So I no longer have access to post in Classified section... hmm... ok.


        • It will come back. Mine was gone for a while and then it reappeared.
          Tarbaby Fraser.


          • Remember, you can now only start new threads or reply to ones you have started in the classifieds section.


            • More features. This board looks like it is no longer in the dark ages, and more on par with other places I go.


              • I like the new board, but it won't let me re-upload my avatar.

                Also I think it'd be a little easier on the eyes if we had just a bit more definition between posts. With the page background and the post background nearly the same color everything kind of runs together. I wouldn't mind links not looking like regular text as well. Can we make 'em blue or something so they show up better?

                Functional search engine? ROCK ON!
                |My CSG gallery|


                • Originally posted by jackson1
                  If you don't like the new layout, then go here Much simpler layout
                  dude that is so much easier to navigate. - doesn't look as cool, but this new layout blows.

                  the BS quick reply pisses me off the most. i just want to type in the box and press tab and enter. this totaly prevents me from doing that. and i can't stand not being able to view the entire thread on one page. having to use anything besides the mouse wheel to read all the posts in 1 thread makes me not even want to bother. I'm Bummbed.
                  Widow - "We have songs"




                  • hehe. This is kind of amusing. all of these complaints are exactly the same as last time we changed board software 3 1/2 years ago. "it's hard to read; what happened to my access to the ________ section; where'd everything go; it's counter-intuitive; I can't tell the posts apart; how come there's a limit on avatar size; etc"

                    and similar to the time before that too....
                    Hail yesterday


                    • Ok so what is the deal with getting your old Avatar back? Mine won't upload from a URL or from the browser?
                      According To The Prophecy


                      • well at least the quick reply is fixed!
                        thanks admins!
                        Widow - "We have songs"




                        • Avatars need to be 8k or less and 60x60.


                          • Hey Jeremy I understand the size for the avatars , I just don't know how to resize 1 not that computer Savy I guess.
                            According To The Prophecy


                            • I like it...

                              Just takes getting used to it, definitely more flexible.


                              • well i guess i won't have an avitar anymore. i'm damn sure not gonna waste my time trying to figure out how to downsize an image that i just link to for an avitar.
                                Widow - "We have songs"



