I don't see THAT much of a difference between BC Rich/ESPs and Jacksons headstocks, yet Jacksons seem to be the only ones that are accused of looking "80s". I guess it's due to the sharkfins, but what the hell... if people judge stuff solely on the way it looks, they don't deserve the superior quality anyway.
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Headstock Shape
Re: Headstock Shape
I think the Jackson pointy head is on of the most straight to the "Point" designs. It's pitched back, with staggered machine heads and all the extra wood just cut off. It just so happens that we were introduced to this design by (For the most part) 80 metal shredders, so it's associated with that image. A strat was introduced at the start of "Rock n Roll with the likes of Buddy Holly and on through to Hendrix, Clapton etc. So it will always be associated with all that is "Rock n Roll". Out of all designs I like the Jackson pionty the best. Others like the Strat (The only Fender head I like) and Gibson I like for nostalgia reasons. JMHAHO [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
Re: Headstock Shape
the jackson headstock is pretty laid back these days. look at some of the headstocks Rich is putting out. i like it a lot always did. actually i agree with dave about the sharkfins, i think that says Jackson immediately.
[ February 25, 2003, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: buzzsaww ]1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk
Re: Headstock Shape
I love the Jackson head, it's pretty much perfect in my head. I just wish Carvin would go back to the earlier head that was more pointy, the new one is still cool but a little conservative looking.
Another great head is the Explorer, esp if oyu can get it reversed.I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. - Ayn Rand
Re: Headstock Shape
I think the ONLY reason that they are refered to as "Too 80's" is due to the fact that they were very popular in the 80's and then died off. Fender and Gibson have maintained consistent sales through the last few decades, and have remained quite visible so therefore they are not refered to as too 60's or too 70's. Just my opinion.
Re: Headstock Shape
i think people just like bashing jacksons cause they have never realy played one. fender and gibson are in virtually every music store, jackson, on the other hand, are not. people like bashing things that they don't quite know about, especially when they aren't around. "too 80's" is all they can come up with to bash then because they are made so damn well. they can't bash the playability or even the beauty of jackson guitars. (but i must say i truly hate the brushed alliminum hardware, that is for cars, not guitars) but regardless. if jacksons were everywhere like fender and gibson, it would just offer another great choice (the best choice) for the image happy public. and with fender backing them now i would expect to see them in more places. hell, IMOP charvel should be allowed to use the fender headstock again instead of the gay-looking half fender headstock on the new models; now that fender owns them.
Re: Headstock Shape
what the hell do they expect to get attatched to the Rhoads and KVs? i like other headstocks but the jackson fits, it wouldn't be a jackson any other way.
i don't see how anyone can stand next to a BC rich and call a jackson too "80's metal". i had friends that stereotyped my guitars for a long time callin em buttrock. the other day we were talkin and he apologized cause he finally figured out that jacksons are bad as hell.
Re: Headstock Shape
I too love the pointy headstock, and give me fins or give me death, but it just so happens Jacksons started with the start of 80's metal/rock and while plenty of guys were seen using Gibsons and Fenders, people forget that part, remember that Hendrix/Clapton/Beck etc used Fenders and Gibsons, keeping them more 'classic' in their eyes, and remember all the 80's guys playing Jacksons. The cycle will come around eventually. The 70's are way cool again.
Re: Headstock Shape
Generally speaking, when it comes to appearances, guitarists are a conservative lot. Gibsons and Fenders are widely accepted by almost ALL pursuasions of guitarist (HM, blues, jazz, etc.) because they've been around so damn long and are well-accepted. And their basic designs haven't changed a lot over the years. Hence, they're considered "classic". (...Heck, even I think many BC Rich designs are ugly. Especially their headstocks! [img]graemlins/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] )
IMHO Charvels and Jacksons are JUST starting to be considered "classic". That's starting with the small (...relatively speaking) but hardcore collector contingent, many of which are here and at CC. And, heck, it's only been 20 years or so since the 80s, so the San Dimas' are really only now starting to be considered "vintage" instruments.
Eventually, their appeal will get broader and broader, and more accepted by the general guitarist population. Probably never quite to the degree of Fender Strat or Gibson Les Paul, but certainly much bigger than today. And then that narrow-minded association of pointy headtsocks = 80s hair bands will no longer be significant. [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img]