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More New Jackson Body Shapes Posted

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Cameron(aka Beefcakes)
    Fender owns jackson. Guess what Fender have been building the last 50 years. Teles and strats. Im not suprised it was in the works as an official shape, its still not very original and its still just 3 extra cuts. and the cuts arent original, I've seen em before. I could come up with a kelly spin like that in minutes...

    instead of coming up with a kelly spin like that, why not just go fuck yourself? just wonderin.
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    • #62
      Originally posted by danastas
      What do you all think of the Roswell? I never see them much discussed on the forum. I think they aren't bad looking, and they always have some cool finishes to them. Crop circle inlays too..
      i dig em, even though they're not an original shape or anything.
      Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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      • #63
        go sully! love it when he get rialled, is that how you spell thAT? DAM LAP TOP!!!


        • #64
          Thanks Fbv, Just Dont Go On Here Much Because Of Bull Shit Like This, I Could Go On But I''ll Leave It


          • #65
            Originally posted by sully
            i dig em, even though they're not an original shape or anything.
            me too. Even though they're not particularly original. I mean, who hasn't built a guitar out of aircraft aluminium?

            They are very cool, and although they haven't been talke about much lately, quite a few members own them. US & Imports. The imports play pretty good too, although I find them unsettlingly light. Felt like it was going to fly out of my hands.
            Hail yesterday


            • #66
              Pablo Even Beat Me To It, I Was Going To Do A V With My Horn On The Bottom!


              • #67
                Originally posted by sully
                instead of coming up with a kelly spin like that, why not just go fuck yourself? just wonderin.
                I think its cool that for having an opinion I get ridiculed. I really DONT CARE. Spins arent hard. I draw guitars all day, if I do a good one, I keep it. Im not saying the King Kutt is bad, its actually pretty cool. But its still just a few more cuts in a kelly so you cant get mad for them using those same cuts. They are using the King Kutt as an example, but I really dont think theyll make much money. Feel good that your not Neal Moser, Brian Hoffman, Martin Evans, Johnney a Go-go, or Rick Derringer. There are even more people that were VERY ripped off by BC Rich. Do you think Neal gets royalties for them using the Bich and Scythe? No. Dont feel bad that the kinda used some of your "Kuts".


                • #68
                  Neil Does! Hes Gone To War For Years Over His Desighns, Thats Why Gmw/ ,gaver/mosure/ Fight With Them All The Time, Because They Can!!!


                  • #69
                    If Jackson is producing a shape that they said they would pay someone for and didn't, that's screwed up.

                    If they're using similar cuts/motifs found on different guitars, I think that's a very gray area. I don't think anyone has a trademark on a particular corner or bevel.


                    • #70

                      "I draw guitars all day, if I do a good one, I keep it"
                      AS FAR AS THIS; BEHOLD AMERICA! ANOUTHER I DO IT ALL AND HAVE NOTHING TO SHOW!!!! SAME OLD STORY, WE'VE ALL HEAR IT BEFORE............................................ ...........


                      • #71
                        Pablo Loves My Desighn And Is Accually Commending Me, He Made Kk2 In 4 Months, He Big Time Loves It, He Will Also Not Get Any Xtra $ Or Anything, Way Of Corporate America!!!


                        • #72
                          the kelly and v (especially the kelly) look far too remiscent of b c rich. jackson would certainly have to design a new line for their hardshell cases if these designs were ever going to make it as imports. i wouldn't mind having that jagged warrior as an import MG series bolt-on.
                          Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                          "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by XXX
                            Neal Does! He's Gone To War For Years Over His Designs, Thats Why GMW/Moser Fight With Them All The Time, Because They Can!!!
                            I corected this for you so you can edit it as to not look like a fool...

                            Its still incorrect. BC Rich are/were sueing him for using:
                            1. The Bich design (which they stole from Neal)
                            2. The Scythe design (which they stole from Neal)
                            3. The Beastmaster Design (which they stole from Brian Hoffman, the Beast)
                            4. The Batwing headstock (I don't even know why...)
                            5. The Spawn design (stolen from Brian, the Beast)
                            6. The Evil Bitch name (It has Bitch in it and its a Bich Spin-off)
                            7. The Beastmaster name (a Beast spin with the word "Beast" in it)

                            I am sure there is more but I cant think of it all right now. Consider yourself lucky that your design wasnt stolen by some of the lowest scum in existance. You actually are allowed to say you designed it. Neal and Brian got in trouble for saying they designed their respective designs...
                            YHJBT HAND


                            • #74
                              I derived at a DeathWarrior spinoff on Rob Lane's original 7 string design. Even though the basic shape was the same, they were worlds apart in how they were built. The biggest instance being the body on Rob's 7 string was 7/8ths larger than a standard Warrior (but about the same as a Death Angel)

                              But Rob's was also a flat top (figured) and mine had the Warrior bevels.'s all subjective when it comes down to who designed what.
                              I can go around saying I designed the 6 string Death Warrior, but I don't.
                              Rob doesn't go around saying he "designed" the Death Warrior 7 either. It was a "spin" on two other guitars. The only ones who should get real design credits are the ones at FMIC/Jackson/Charvel who draw these shapes, prototype them, and market them in some kind of numbers.

                              Cameron....while I can say I agree with the way you're coming off, I do agree with your opinion. Give credit where credit is due. That's all. Brad...not trying to take sides...I'm always nuetral man.
                              But has Jackson decided to market the King Kut for real? I'm not going to take away that you designed the shape but it really is only a spinoff on another guitar dude.

                              I also agree with Cameron about the whole BC Rich thing. Neal got shafted by BC Rich, as well as Brian Hoffman, Johnny Agogo, Rich Derringer (the ones already mentioned)
                              There were a few that were Class Axe/BC endorsers who were shafted out of designs while I was there as well.
                              Gene Simmons was the only one with the money/investment in the company to protect and copywrite his design (the Punisher bass). Think of it this way....Neal had designed the Bich, and then Joe Perry comes to him with the IDEA to make it a 10 string. Does that mean that Joe Perry gets the credit for "redesigning" the Bich? Neal is a member here (although he hasn't checked in for quite a while now) but I'm sure he could shed some more light on the whole "WHO DESIGNED WHAT" debacle.

                              End of my 2¢
                              Last edited by VulfgangPfuck; 04-14-2006, 10:39 AM.


                              • #75
                                spin off yes! but so isnt everything!
                                i wanted to stay in a jackson vein and i think i did it, with out too extreme! witch i could have.
                                the idea of making it a model was snuffed when i said sure! PAY ME!
                                thats was the end of that.........

