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DK2M Neck Profile.

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  • DK2M Neck Profile.

    Was thinking about ordering one of these since we don't have a shop near by that actually stocks them. I have never ordered a guitar online and quite frankly, I am nervous about doing so.

    The question I have is more of a comparison. I have two jacksons which are bolt ons. One of which is a RR2 and the other was a Guitar Center rescue and is currently my beater a DKMG which definately has a beefy neck in comparison to the RR2. I love the feel of a bolt on and I wanted to know what the profile of the DK2M was like. I was hoping that it is a thin neck like the RR2.

    And input would be totally appreciated.

    Insert annoying equipment list here....

  • #2
    Have you played a DK2?
    If the dimensions I have seen are correct, it's the same profile as recent DK2s
    (I believe onlinestagegear's page has these dimensions listed).

    Anyone can go ahead and confirm or contradict this now


    • #3
      The newer DK2`s in the last year or so have a medium rounded neck now instead of the skinny neck they had for a long time. I love the newer profile!! Jack.


      • #4
        The unfortunate thing is that nobody around my area sells anything but the low end jacksons. So, comparing is kinda hard. The fortunate thing is that I am going to Las Vegas next week and there is a store that is selling them down there. The uberfucked thing is that it is Ed Romans. So, I guess I will just use him to get a comparison then order from Mike if I like the feel.

        I guess that I will have to put on the hazmat suit.

        Insert annoying equipment list here....


        • #5
          I heard Ed Roman is a very honest man. Maybe even the most honest person ever. Supposedly makes Abe Lincoln look like the Enron defendants.
          Just a guitar player...


          • #6
            Originally posted by texasfury
            I heard Ed Roman is a very honest man. Maybe even the most honest person ever. Supposedly makes Abe Lincoln look like the Enron defendants.
            Yeah, and extremely friendly as well, with a gentle personality.


            • #7


              • #8
                Originally posted by nateb
                The unfortunate thing is that nobody around my area sells anything but the low end jacksons. So, comparing is kinda hard. The fortunate thing is that I am going to Las Vegas next week and there is a store that is selling them down there. The uberfucked thing is that it is Ed Romans. So, I guess I will just use him to get a comparison then order from Mike if I like the feel.

                I guess that I will have to put on the hazmat suit.

                Dude. You know he won't even let you TOUCH the guitar.

                Maybe, if you flash him a wad of cash 3 times the price, tell him he lost weight.. he MIGHT let you look closely at it for 5 full minutes.

                And of course, he will then proceed to claim it is a one off, US made prototype. When you show him catalogue pics, he will call it all lies and accuse FMIC of a corporate conspiracy.

                Then, once you've begged him sufficiently enough to allow you the privilege
                of overpaying him, when you get it home, you will find out it is not a Jackson, but a modified Gunslinger made from old BC Rich templates, by a small Guatemalan man, living in Ed's basement.
                Last edited by 2Loud2Old; 04-19-2006, 12:21 AM.


                • #9
                  Is it true that you're not aloud to play any of Ed's guitars for sale?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by donvandam
                    Is it true that you're not aloud to play any of Ed's guitars for sale?

                    I see you've made the mistake of assuming Ed Roman is a normal person, running a normal music store, adhering to a normal business model.

                    Ed Roman has a unique style.

                    One I like to call "Music Store S&M"

                    Basically, he treats everyone like crap.

                    We call people like him SADISTS

                    and some people like to be treated like crap..

                    We call them MASOCHISTS (AKA Ed's Customers)

                    These people keep him in business.

                    It wouldn't be more obvious if he was decked out in leather B&D gear and called his cutomers "bitches"
                    Last edited by 2Loud2Old; 04-19-2006, 12:29 AM.

