My new 2006 RR3 in black. Plays beautifully and I can see an instant increase on my playing speed already. My only problems are the that the way the whammy bar is put in is bad, It doesn't lock down too easily. Also the upper fret access isn't as great as I though it would be, from 20-22 is it hard to reach, but then again, I have small hands. Apart from these Minor problems I am extreamly happy about my new purchase =D (cost me 640 euro) I got it 2 days ago and only found the camera USB cable today. without further adu, Pics!

Note the selection of picks in the bottom right hand corner.

Note the Simpsons Mug, cable and wah in the backround.

And finally a close up of the body, Sorry about the greasy paw marks =P

Note the selection of picks in the bottom right hand corner.

Note the Simpsons Mug, cable and wah in the backround.

And finally a close up of the body, Sorry about the greasy paw marks =P