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  • #16
    Originally posted by rjohnstone
    Who said this was a democracy?
    Sorry i was under the ASSumption that this forum was a 'free and open' exchange of information and images regarding Jackson/Charvel Guitars.

    Originally posted by rjohnstone
    Who said it wasn't being used in the proper context?
    With regards to THIS forum, you are a n00b.
    that argument doesnt wash in my opinion, THIS forum is no different from ANY forum out there in the world wide intraweb, same horse different stable.

    My apologies to any admins who thought i was calling you nazi/iraqi admins, i wasnt it was a joke (given the fact that I've been a forum/website/gaming admin for over 6 years i know EXACTLY whats its like to do this shit for nothing in your spare time) that obviously missed the spot.

    But 'petty' rules do piss me off when they are there for no 'reasonable' reason and thats when i usually become 'blunt'. Doesnt happen often.

    My music:


    • #17
      Originally posted by rjohnstone
      Who said this was a democracy?

      Who said it wasn't being used in the proper context?
      With regards to THIS forum, you are a n00b.
      The context is proper.
      You are the one making the ASSumption as to its meaning with regards to Kev's comments.
      Thanks beat me to it bro!

      Guyver....people like you who come in here spouting-off like you're doing, usually don't last very long and are shown the proverbial door rather quickly. It seems that you wouldn't care much either way.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Guyver1
        Sorry i was under the ASSumption that this forum was a 'free and open' exchange of information and images regarding Jackson/Charvel Guitars.
        You shoulda learned from Benny Hill like I did. Never assume.

        (pretty good for an American and former Admin Nazi, huh)
        Occupy JCF


        • #19
          that argument doesnt wash in my opinion, THIS forum is no different from ANY forum out there in the world wide intraweb, same horse different stable.
          Same horse (with only 63 posts at the time of this reply) in a different stable. may have been to a gazillion different message boards in your inter/intra net career, but I'm sure you also know every one is slightly different in some way, shape or form.


          • #20
            Originally posted by FirebirdZ
            Same horse (with only 63 posts at the time of this reply) in a different stable. may have been to a gazillion different message boards in your inter/intra net career, but I'm sure you also know every one is slightly different in some way, shape or form.
            Yes. And I seriously doubt that the JCF is the first message board for anyone here. I have probably 10,000+ posts on different message boards, but I still tread lightly when learning to immerse into a new community...



            • #21
              I do love this place!!!
              "I have so much gayness at times. My wife walks in my music room, and there I am, in my undies, listening to "Sister Christian" while lighting fireworks..doin' blow." - Bill Z

              "I leave off the back plate and pinch my forskin between the tension springs. That may not work for everyone. But I find that the people love it. Half the tone is in the pud." - Bill Z


              • #22
                Originally posted by FirebirdZ
                Guyver....people like you who come in here spouting-off like you're doing, usually don't last very long and are shown the proverbial door rather quickly. It seems that you wouldn't care much either way.
                I've openly questioned 2 things since i joined this forum:

                1. why do the admins/or person who owns the domain/forums block ALL the valuable(and freely given) content on this forum until you've registered, my argument being that people looking for information about Jackson/Charvel via a search engine like Google etc would be able to find it if these forums were able to be browsed without being registed. I just checked and since the new forum software upgrade its still the same, you have to register before you can even see what it is your registering for..... As a forum admin myself i find that counter productive.

                2. post count limitation on poll voting, again its a minor thing that i just find pointless.

                The whole reason 'most' people register is not to become part of a community but to get to the absolute gold mine of information contained within this forum. thats the only reason im here. I rarely sit at my PC these days, im either in work, gigging, practicing or seeing the girlfriend, but when i do see a thread/poll that catches my interest i would at least like to be able to participate.

                I could have been a bit more subtle, point taken, but it was a flashbang of pissed off'ness and i posted. ce la vie..
                My music:


                • #23
                  Guyver1, don't take my comments the wrong way.
                  There are many who come to this, and many other forums, and start complaining about the rules.
                  This forums is provided as a service, free of charge to its users.
                  The persons providing this service have decided, for one reason or another, to implement a few rules.
                  If we provide feedback regarding these rules in a normal and civilized manner back to the admins, they may consider making modifications to those rules.
                  The thing that always gets me is people touting the "free speech" montra and crap and they don't realize that this is in fact a private board.
                  It is open to the public, but is not owned or run by the public.
                  So the private individuals running this board have every right to moderate (censor, restrict or ban) any user who chooses to violate the rules they put in place.
                  The admins here are very easy going and will warn an individual more than once before taking drastic action against them.
                  So chill and pose your questions and concerns in a repsectful manner.
                  The admins will take those under advisement and make a decision.
                  But once it has been made, like it or not, respect it.
                  If you cannot follow/repsect the rules, you are free to leave.
                  That is where your "freedom" here in this forum, begins and ends.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Guyver1
                    I've openly questioned 2 things since i joined this forum:

                    1. why do the admins/or person who owns the domain/forums block ALL the valuable(and freely given) content on this forum until you've registered, my argument being that people looking for information about Jackson/Charvel via a search engine like Google etc would be able to find it if these forums were able to be browsed without being registed. I just checked and since the new forum software upgrade its still the same, you have to register before you can even see what it is your registering for..... As a forum admin myself i find that counter productive.
                    I have to say I agree with that one. When I first came here I wasn't sure if there was actually a forum or not since nothing loaded. I figured what the hell I'll register and see if anything changes.

                    I think at the very least it would be nice to have something explaining that the forums do exist but you must register to see them. (it's been a long time, this might actually exist now I don't know)


                    • #25
                      BIG RED


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by thetroy
                        I have to say I agree with that one. When I first came here I wasn't sure if there was actually a forum or not since nothing loaded. I figured what the hell I'll register and see if anything changes.

                        I think at the very least it would be nice to have something explaining that the forums do exist but you must register to see them. (it's been a long time, this might actually exist now I don't know)
                        i think i can put something like that on the main page some kinda "you must register to view" thing.

                        and since i'm an incredibly nice person, i've updated the jr member group so that you can reply (but not start) polls.

                        you're welcome.
                        Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
                        Sully Guitars on Facebook
                        Sully Guitars on Google+
                        Sully Guitars on Tumblr


                        • #27
                          and since i'm an incredibly nice person, i've updated the jr member group so that you can reply (but not start) polls.
                          thank you

                          i think i can put something like that on the main page some kinda "you must register to view" thing.
                          I still question the validity of requiring to register for something you've not even SEEN yet before you decide whether its worth signing up or not. Surely allowing unregistered people to view the forums/content (but NOT allow them to post etc) is a more productive method of showing off just how much wealth of information this site actually contains, then when people DO find this forum via google etc, they browse it, be impressed with whats here and go ' man i'm gonna register on this site coz its great!' , not 'meh, cant be arsed to register today, gotta go out in 5 minutes'.
                          My music:


                          • #28
                            taken under advisement.
                            Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
                            Sully Guitars on Facebook
                            Sully Guitars on Google+
                            Sully Guitars on Tumblr


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Mayday
                              I'm atcually growing pretty tired of being compared to Nazis, The Iraqi regime etc.. it's pretty low if ya ask me..

                              You don't like it here then I will gladly refund your membership fees...
                              I know I can be a bad boy, but this reminds me of "Kindergarden Cop" with Arnold. Get a whistle and blow their fukking ears out. This board is a priviledge to be a member of. If you don't like what the Admins can do or their policies and rules, then just leave and take your soggy Pampers with you.
                              I am a true ass set to this board.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by veemagic
                                I do love this place!!!
                                Me too.:ROTF:
                                I am a true ass set to this board.

