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Poll voting

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  • Poll voting

    why on earth are there some 'weird' rules in place about who can vote on polls?

    Surely being registered is enought to allow you to vote??

    I love this forum for the info/pics/advice/sound people here but sometimes some of the rediculous 'rules' just annoy the shit out of me. Its only an internet forum for gawds sake.

    I mean do i need some special attendance record/post count to vote for MOST BADASS DUO ?!?!?!?!

    There is no poll, Our superior army has defeated the poll, even though the poll did not exist to defeat.
    My music:

  • #2
    I think you need 100 posts


    • #3
      What is with all these n00bs coming in here with all guns blazing about the friggin' rules?!!

      DOOD!..every forum you visit on the net will have some type of rules in place!! This one is no exception. Sheesh!!


      • #4
        I'm atcually growing pretty tired of being compared to Nazis, The Iraqi regime etc.. it's pretty low if ya ask me..

        You don't like it here then I will gladly refund your membership fees...
        Last edited by ~K~; 04-14-2006, 03:14 PM.
        Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


        • #5
          Originally posted by FirebirdZ
          What is with all these n00bs coming in here with all guns blazing about the friggin' rules?!!

          DOOD!..every forum you visit on the net will have some type of rules in place!! This one is no exception. Sheesh!!
          ah the 'n00b' argument, funnily enough in all my years of online gaming and being a general gaming/online 'geek' i never came across a forum that restricted voting on polls.

          Rules are there to be questioned, thats what freedom of speech/democracy is all about. Personally, yes i find a 'few' of the rules of this board a bit 'petty', and from my online experience typically 'amercian' ( in my past experience working with US admins on gaming sites they tend to get a bit 'over zealous' with the 'rules' and enforcing them). Please dont take that as an 'anti-American' remark because its not, its simply an observation based on past experience.

          Also you might wanna start using the term 'n00b' in its correct context instead of an all sweeping generalisation for anyone here with a low post count, this isnt the only forum on the internet.

          If you dont question something, things never get changed, do i have to do it so 'bluntly' , sorry its just my nature, unlike a lot of people, i'm no different in real life as i am on the net, I dont like bullshit and i dont sugar coat stuff to avoid 'rocking the boat', some appreciate open honesty, others take offence to it, it doesnt bother me either way.
          My music:


          • #6
            And I don't like you... wanna guess where this showdown is heading
            Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mayday
              I'm atcually growing pretty tired of being compared to Nazis, The Iraqi regime etc.. it's pretty low if ya ask me..

              You don't like it here then I will gladly refund your membership fees...
              was actually a little light hearted joke given the guy in the picture (quite possibly the funniest PR man ever, the guy should have been on stage with the material he was using!!)

              I've been a forum admin, I've been a Community Liaison for a large UK gaming company, i know all about 'rules' being called a Nazi admin etc. BUT rules are NOT some inflexible monolithic slab in the ground, Rules should be flexible and open to adjustment given reasonable debate.

              I questioned the need for 100 posts JUST to vote on who was the most BADASS duo... I mean seriously why on earth do i need 100 posts to vote on that?!!?
              My music:


              • #8
                It's easy enough to question a rule.. quite honestly I take offense to your methods and justification. I don't work on this board to be demeaned and degraded by people like you... How the fuck hard is it to ask politely around here....

                No the polls shouldn't be closed to noobs.. but given the way I've been dictated too I could give 2 shits if you ever have the ability to vote..

                Little pissed off? Yep you bet .. I'm tired of hearing negative comments from people in such a rude manner... I don't get paid to take it and I'm not going too
                Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mayday
                  And I don't like you... wanna guess where this showdown is heading


                  • #10
                    ya got me, but on the other hand, you don't have to be a tool with your delivery. just ask. the new software is something that we're still getting used to; there's settings and things that may be a default that are different than the previous board and we may not be aware of the change.

                    just because you may be a blunt and condescending asshole in real life doesn't earn you "keepin' it real" points online. this thread is proof; if you would have just asked "what's up with the polls?" and state your experience, then us nazi american admins (poking at you, here) may not be so ready to bounce you at the moment.

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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mayday
                      It's easy enough to question a rule.. quite honestly I take offense to your methods and justification. I don't work on this board to be demeaned and degraded by people like you... How the fuck hard is it to ask politely around here....

                      No the polls shouldn't be closed to noobs.. but given the way I've been dictated too I could give 2 shits if you ever have the ability to vote..

                      Little pissed off? Yep you bet .. I'm tired of hearing negative comments from people in such a rude manner... I don't get paid to take it and I'm not going too
                      Ok so you didnt take the Iraqi 'information' minister joke to well, no problem there, not everyones sense of humour is the same and UK humour is definately different the US humour in a lot of respects, but in no way was my original statement 'demeaning' or 'offence' (in my opinion of course) it was just honest.
                      My music:


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sully
                        the new software is something that we're still getting used to; there's settings and things that may be a default that are different than the previous board and we may not be aware of the change.

                        it was the same on the old forum software
                        My music:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Guyver1
                          Rules are there to be questioned, thats what freedom of speech/democracy is all about.
                          Who said this was a democracy?

                          Originally posted by Guyver1
                          Also you might wanna start using the term 'n00b' in its correct context...
                          Who said it wasn't being used in the proper context?
                          With regards to THIS forum, you are a n00b.
                          The context is proper.
                          You are the one making the ASSumption as to its meaning with regards to Kev's comments.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Guyver1
                            it was the same on the old forum software
                            k. again, why not just ask?
                            Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
                            Sully Guitars on Facebook
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                            Sully Guitars on Tumblr


                            • #15
                              I have just over 400 posts and have been here for only a couple months. I too am known to speak my mind w/o holding back. But I DO respect the people here and the admins and the rules as well. IMO I think these guys who come here and start spouting off at the fingers should have a little more respect for the rules and the people who work their ass off to provide this forum....cant we all just get along. I mean is it really killing you that you cant vote? Be more a part of what goes on and your post count will go up...and then you can vote, and it will be a non issue

