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Anybody else having trouble with the forum???

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  • #16
    I'm up and running again now! Thanks!


    • #17
      I have no access to the Graemlins unless I reply to a message. It's been that way since the forum changes. I cannot use them if I originate a message.

      Ok let me check this now.......
      Ok, I'm up and running now!
      Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


      • #18
        I tried to post a classified, but a screen came up with text that I didn't get a chance to read before it went away. Anyway, my post wasn't added, but I don't want to try again in fear of double posting. Do classifieds get screened by the admins before getting posted now? I'm cool with that, I just want to know so I can try again if not.
        "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


        • #19
          I was having a lot of trouble for a week or so, but none in the last few days.


          • #20
            The last version of vBulletin I was involved with was back in 2003-2004. I don't recall this many glitches. It's almost as if you guys downloaded a bug. I remember a fellow at another site who downloaded vBulletin and everytime he would fix one glitch, another mysterious glitch would appear. Granted, they were minor problems, but still a pain in the ass. Just something to consider.


            • #21
              i must say i have no probs at my end with the forum at all.... everything working perfect.... try cleaning out your cookies and history maybe you have some older cookies left over from before the change...


              • #22
                I just lost 100 posts waaaaaah
                "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                • #23
                  I can't add to my classified posts.

                  MakeAJazzNoiseHere: You kidding me? I'd suck her fartbox dry in a heartbeat. 9/29/2011 quote about Megan Fox

