Originally posted by Seventh Avenged
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New Jackson catalog
Originally posted by IrfaanSE801I've gotta try and grab one. Also, in Guitar Edge there's an interview with Zakk where he says Gibson is working on a new signature V with EMG's and a floyd for him, so I don't think he's going anywhereI feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.
Originally posted by shreddermonZakk is leaving Gibson? That would be pretty big. Are you sure he's actually an endorser now, or are they just picturing him with the Rhoads his wife got him?Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.
Hey hey. By the way. If he is in the catalog holding a Jackson-with his website link nearby, that to me is an endorsement. I just saw he is also on the Dean website too playing the AXE Dime gave him. It's cool for him to spread the love around....
Originally posted by shreddermonWhat? No chocolate chips?
If you look more closely, that is the labelled the "Artists" page. It includes people who are not endorsers, per se. In fact, it makes reference to Artists being "endorsers" or "players". i.e., Artists who've been known to play a Jackson guitar do not necessarily endorse Jackson guitars.
I'm guessing Zakk falls into this category, and he still endorses Gibson. Not Jackson. ...But that doesn't necessarily mean something isn't in the works for later. And, if they nab him, GREAT. IMHO, he's one of very few guitarists out there that could help bring fresh young blood (read: kids) to the J/C brands. Not many guitar "heros" out there anymore. Not like it was in the 80s, at least, I mean.Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers band....it's been a while and this should get NASTY!
Check out the new band at - https://www.facebook.com/PerfectStormMetal/?fref=nf
It's not a matter of how I look at it vs. how you do. It's am matter of how their endorsements are done. Essentially a contractual/legal distinction.
"Endorser" = contract between the company and the artist for active joint promotion, usually including advertising, sig. models for big name artists, etc.
"Player" can mean many other things, like with Zakk. His wife gave him a Rhoads replica, and he's granted permission to let J/C use pics of him playing it. Possibly Zakk's way of giving a nod of respect to Randy's legacy. And just like what he's also done with Dean/Dimebag. But he endorses (has a contract with) Gibson. And other "players" may play J/C's exclusively by preference but, for whatever reason, don't have an endorsement contract.
I'm not an insider, so I'm sure I'm not getting/explaining all of that correctly. But you get the jist.
I disagree. If you are seen by the public using any product-you are an endorser. Money has little to do with it.Just becasue there is no Zakk model Jackson, does not mean he is not an endorser. I have no idea what kind of deal Zakk has with Jackson, but somebody will see him with the Jackson and want one. That's how endorsments are. Some kid sees him with a guitar and he wants to be just like his hero-bam done deal. We have all done that. Go to the ESP boards and litsten to them. Holy crap it's crazy, "James Hetfield dropped mustard on his Truckster model while eating a hotdog playing ST.Anger so I'm gonna do it too". Blah blah blah. So now there will be a "mustard relic" Hetfield model.........HAHAHAA. That's my view anyway.H3LL IS HOME!!!
Geez. OK, I'll be done after this:
Disagree all you want. This isn't a matter of opinion. It's the nature of a contractual relationship between two parties. That's business law, not opinion.
Fact vs. opinion: there's a difference. i.e., We can prove for a fact whether or not Zakk is an endorser of Jacksons by finding out if there is an endorsement agreement between the two.
What you think constitutes an "endorsement" is no such thing. Is there a some kind of relationship between the artist and company? Yes, whether implied (I've bought their products and played them in public, but we have no agreements) or not. But if there's no endorsement contract between the artist and company, he/she is NOT an "endorser".
And get a clue: Hetfield and Hammster have been ESP endorsers under contract for a very long time. Of course, Hammster has had a Jackson Rhoads for a very long time. ...Do you see him on the Jackson "artists" page? Case closed.
endorsement does imply payment
Main Entry: en·dorse
Pronunciation: in-'dors, en-
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): en·dorsed; en·dors·ing
Etymology: alteration of obsolete endoss, from Middle English endosen, from Middle French endosser, from Old French, to put on the back, from en- + dos back, from Latin dorsum
1 a : to write on the back of; especially : to sign one's name as payee on the back of (a check) in order to obtain the cash or credit represented on the face b : to inscribe (one's signature) on a check, bill, or note c : to inscribe (as an official document) with a title or memorandum d : to make over to another (the value represented in a check, bill, or note) by inscribing one's name on the document e : to acknowledge receipt of (a sum specified) by one's signature on a document"Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)
I still disagree. Let's look at another company-Marshall. They have tons of endorsees right? Right. I bet we can't even name them all. Slash, Hendrix, Zakk, Ace etc. Those guys all play Marshall's right? What I have heard is that noone gets paid to be a Marshall endorser. They all pay for there amps. They are still endorsers right? Right. They all still play them because they like them. We see them onstage and they tell us they love them. Still an endorsment. Now maybe the guys that have signitures amps get some, but I am not positive about that. Anyway my point is this. Money or a contract is not the only basis for an endorsement. You also have made my point with kirk. He may not have been in any Jackson catalog, but you see him play his Rhoads alot. It's even mentioned on there site and numerous other fan sites and videos. To me that is the best endorsement ever. He dose not have to get paid to play them becasue he loves the guitar.He also has played that longer than any other guitar and everybody knows it. Now back to Zakk. Like I said before someone who is big plays a guitar and some fan sees it-they want it. It sells the product he played therefore making the company money-there is your clue.H3LL IS HOME!!!
By the way an endosement also means to be "in agreement" with or "on board with". It does not have to be about money. We also do not know if Zakk did or did not get money for this picture. I bet he did. He is the most famous guitarist at the moment. Jackson would have givin him something for it, wich also means endorsement.H3LL IS HOME!!!