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Jackson/Charvel Dealer in South Florida?

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  • Jackson/Charvel Dealer in South Florida?

    I've got a couple of GuitarCenters and a Sam Ass, both with crappy selection. Couple of smaller dealers too, but none that seem to stock a nice selection of Jacksons or Charvies.

  • #2
    All righty then!
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


    • #3
      If you go to Jackson's site, you'll find a list of dealers in every state.
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • #4
        Dude, in Florida you pretty much have to go net for your purchases.
        Sam Ass and GC dominate the market and I agree with your assesment of both.
        I use them both for prototype testing and strings, etc.
        Once I find something I like and throroughly tested locally I go online find "IT" on one of my favorite and trusted net deaslers and that is it.
        Moms and pops with cool selection are as hard to find as a Floridian virgin hottie.
        Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


        • #5
          Try Gary Kramer's Guitar Exchange.
          He's over on Wiles road, in Coral Springs. If you know where SR7 is, you can take that right to it.
          Tho he's not listed on the dealers, he was and probably still is a dealer.

          He's a good guy, and has some awesome stuff. I've bought a few Jackson's from him, including a San Dimas strat.
          I've known him for around 6 years now. Tell him Steve Rose sent ya... that'll hook us both up.


          • #6
            Originally posted by GWARGHOUL
            Try Gary Kramer's Guitar Exchange.
            He's over on Wiles road, in Coral Springs. If you know where SR7 is, you can take that right to it.
            Tho he's not listed on the dealers, he was and probably still is a dealer.

            He's a good guy, and has some awesome stuff. I've bought a few Jackson's from him, including a San Dimas strat.
            I've known him for around 6 years now. Tell him Steve Rose sent ya... that'll hook us both up.
            Yes, I've actually been there. He is a nice guy. Didn't have any Jacksons or Charvels when I was there. I'll have to check back.


            • #7
              Make sure to throw my name out to him.
              Myself and two other dudes were his main Jackson customers...

              He has the authroized dealer logo for Jackson on his website. He may only have one or two in stock, but I'm sure he'd be more than happy to order for ya.

              I know another cool line he plans on picking up.

