My account was just verified today, so I thought before I started running my mouth in other threads, a proper introduction was due.
I'm 25 and have been playing for about 11 years and gigging for 7, thought it feels like much less. I should probably be better than I am, given the amount of dedication I've put into it, but I try not to let that worry me too much and just enjoy making music. I currently live in Indianapolis and play in an original band, which I will probably disclose later when it's pertinent to one discussion or another. For now I'll just say that writing, recording, and playing music is what keeps me going night and day, and while I have a day job I would love to be able to support myself with my music in the future.
I don't currently have any Jacksons or Charvels, though I do have a (backordered) DK2M coming to me. I've spent a lot of time recently GASSing for the "right" Jackson, Charvel, or 80's Kramer, and to my joy those specs came together in a nice, clean $600 import. I just wish I knew how long I had to wait.
I have to say - this looks like a GREAT forum. I'm a big fan of the policies in place here. In the last week (while I waited for account validation) I have had to sift through 0% childish BS that I see on a lot of other guitar-related forums. That and the project threads have kept me coming back every day! I have always done my own set-ups, electronics mods, I've tung oiled a neck or two and built a couple of Warmoths, but some of the threads here are really inspiring me to do more! There is a wealth of great insight here.
Anyway, sorry for the book. I'm looking forward to getting out there in the forums and mixing it up with you folks.
My account was just verified today, so I thought before I started running my mouth in other threads, a proper introduction was due.
I'm 25 and have been playing for about 11 years and gigging for 7, thought it feels like much less. I should probably be better than I am, given the amount of dedication I've put into it, but I try not to let that worry me too much and just enjoy making music. I currently live in Indianapolis and play in an original band, which I will probably disclose later when it's pertinent to one discussion or another. For now I'll just say that writing, recording, and playing music is what keeps me going night and day, and while I have a day job I would love to be able to support myself with my music in the future.
I don't currently have any Jacksons or Charvels, though I do have a (backordered) DK2M coming to me. I've spent a lot of time recently GASSing for the "right" Jackson, Charvel, or 80's Kramer, and to my joy those specs came together in a nice, clean $600 import. I just wish I knew how long I had to wait.
I have to say - this looks like a GREAT forum. I'm a big fan of the policies in place here. In the last week (while I waited for account validation) I have had to sift through 0% childish BS that I see on a lot of other guitar-related forums. That and the project threads have kept me coming back every day! I have always done my own set-ups, electronics mods, I've tung oiled a neck or two and built a couple of Warmoths, but some of the threads here are really inspiring me to do more! There is a wealth of great insight here.
Anyway, sorry for the book. I'm looking forward to getting out there in the forums and mixing it up with you folks.