greetings from (atm) sunny Norway! 
Registered two years ago, damn time flies! But most of my posts are from today when I remembered that I was registered here..
Two years since I registered, and I still haven't gotten myself a Charvel. that has to be changed soon!
A little about myself:
I love soccer, playing it and supporting Liverpool FC, I read fantasy books and enjoy listening to hair metal. Winger, Warrant, Ratt, the list goes on.
Superstrats are sexy, Kramers and Charvels.
Also posting on harmony central as Zoidberg, 1500 posts + several thousand that doesn't show on my current post-count..
That's me, and howdy to y'all!

Registered two years ago, damn time flies! But most of my posts are from today when I remembered that I was registered here..
Two years since I registered, and I still haven't gotten myself a Charvel. that has to be changed soon!
A little about myself:
I love soccer, playing it and supporting Liverpool FC, I read fantasy books and enjoy listening to hair metal. Winger, Warrant, Ratt, the list goes on.
Superstrats are sexy, Kramers and Charvels.

Also posting on harmony central as Zoidberg, 1500 posts + several thousand that doesn't show on my current post-count..
That's me, and howdy to y'all!
