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Strathead Help

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  • Strathead Help

    Would someone let me know the specs of a 21 fret 1981 Charvel strathead neck. I need the scale length and heel width & depth. I'm trying to pick a body to use with it.

    I'd like to use a Pacer Deluxe body if it will work. If anyone has experience with this your advice would be appreciated.


  • #2
    Welcome Hank,

    A 21 fret 1981 neck is a 25.5 scale but would most likely have a narrow heel. Think 2 1/8 or a little wider. Some necks will have a narrower heel than that. Do you have the neck now? Can you measure the heel?

    It's not a competition, it's a community


    • #3
      Thanks for the info Kevin. No I don't have a neck. Just a project I've been wanting do for some time.


      • #4
        Cool Hank,

        I hope you have a line on the neck as they can be hard to get at times. Floyd or vintage?

        Have you played an old strathead? I feel they work best as a vintage trem. The floyd spacing is wide for it. Not impossible to play but less forgiving. The Kahlers from that era allowed for tighter string spacing.

        What is your collection now? Do you have a Charvel in your lineup?
        It's not a competition, it's a community


        • #5
          No I've never played a strathead but I've always wanted one. I'm a Kramer fan and still play the few Pacers I bought 20+ years ago.

          I've made modifying them an occasional hobby over the years and thought it might be fun to put a Charvel neck on a Pacer body. From what you said it will fit but all my bodies have Floyd's so I'll have to consider that.

          Thanks for the help.

