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Fender better get on the ball!

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  • #16
    Re: Fender better get on the ball!

    There are two options here.

    1) Get more players playing Jacksons. Fender has the muscle, it can do that.
    2) Get the channels to show more 80's videos. Its currently 'Nu-Metal is Dead Week!' on MTV:2 here, so there's a lotta older Metal vids on at the moment. Get the kids into that (Hey, I'm converted [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ) and you'll sell more Jacksons!

    I know the second idea is stupid, but hey.! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


    • #17
      Re: Fender better get on the ball!

      Music is a product like any other product - from Soda pop to Douche bags - whatever gets better/more ad space in critical areas is going to be more popular among the buying public.
      Gibson has ads in non-musical-related magazines, as does ESP, Ibenhad, etc etc.
      If Britny or NStink or Eminem didn't have marketing machines behind them, there would be no Pepsi ads with Britny, "Talk to your kids about drugs" commercials with NStink, or "8 Mile" movie.
      Conversely, if a marketing powerhouse got behind Iced Earth, Judas Priest, or even Anthrax, they'd have incredible sales, and it CAN be done without making them dance and sing happy pop songs.
      Same with Jackson guitars or any other guitar brand - advertise it in the right place without worrying about the negative imagery ("Dear God! It's Heavy Metal! The Devil's Music! RUUUUUUN") and it'll be top of the pile, bad-boy image and all.

      Unfortunately, no one that has the *power* (money) to pursue that type of marketing strategy has the balls to do it. They see Britny and say "little kids buy this stuff, and their parents accept it because it's non-threatening", even though Britny's a rich slut who puts out on a regular basis and is always looking for a pecker to ride, the Backseat Toys and NSync have been busted for underage boozing, fighting, etc etc. These are better role models than Iron Maiden? OoooooKaaaaaayyyy.

      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

      My Blog:


      • #18
        Re: Fender better get on the ball!

        Originally posted by Chuckracer:
        Um...I don't really think anybody is being paraniod here. Kev was using that as an example in the extreme. Thats all.
        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">BM was applying the much utilised "Alanis Morissette" maneuvre to the word "paranoid" (like rain on your wedding day, like a free ride when you've already paid ie. an incorrect definition of a word poorly applied. Isn't that ironic? Don't you think?) [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

        Of course, it's all cyclical. 10 years ago it wasn't Gibsons, it was the retro-style Fenders, like Jagstangs & Jazzmasters cos they looked cooler with your flannelette shirt and greasy hair in your angsty video clip. Jackson/Fender could help things along by getting their instruments into the hands of some high profile new bands. I know From Zero are endorsers, but they never seemed to take off. I haven't seen or heard any more from them since their first single. They're not a band that really appeals to me, but they had the lead singer with spiky coloured hair & facial piercings, big bottom heavy grooves, and all the bent over bobbing & head-tilting-whilst-staring-at-the-lighting-rig of the best in the genre. I guess they just didn't take off. But Jackson has to still keep taking punts on up-and-coming bands like this in the hope that they'll be the next Papa Roach or whatever. That will get the marque back in the public eye.
        Hail yesterday

