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So you are the new Charvel/Jackson CEO...

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  • #46
    The Guitar Hero thing is a great idea.

    On top of that, if they could put in motion sensors (think Nintendo Wii), and give players in-game points / "cash" for doing flashy stage moves while playing, that would be cool


    • #47
      like any modern CEO, I'd proceed to run the business like the Arnotts Biscuit Factory for 12 months. When the Board gets fed up with me running the company into the ground, I'd take my $43 million severance payout, and take 12 months hiatus while I recovery from this traumatic experience. I might even join a board or two (in an advisory capacity) and get paid to attend a meeting or two per year.
      Hail yesterday


      • #48
        i'd change my stance on artist endorsments. i do what it takes to get the good shredders and bands and keep them happy. the more the kids see the guitars their idols use... the more sales. period. basic marketing 101.
        look at who was playing jackson when they were the hottest guitar in metal. - oh everyone! who's playing them now... no one i care about. all my favorites went to the various other companies. and that blows.

        and i think the quality control issue these days is directly corrilated to how much who's in charge actually cares about the product. Grover seemed to care a lot.

        the idea that someone stated above to move all the imports back to japan hit it on the head there. the japanese companies are kicking ass cause they are all paying close attention to detail. look i'm not a fan of ESP, but their guitars play damn good. same with ibanez. they both have amazing products for the buck.

        and i'd probably sell the imports for a little less than or equal to the costs to make them and try and make up for that by selling the high end stuff for a lot more than it costs to make them. and really give the jap companies a run for their money.
        Widow - "We have songs"


        • #49
          I would improve the lower end models, and offer the most options possible for all guitars.
          My Main Rig:
          '87 Charvel Model 4A
          Peavey KB100 amp
          Ibanez SM7 Smashbox

          '92 Gibson Les Paul Custom
          '05 Ibanez RG320FM
          '86 Ovation Pinnacle
          '98 Synsonics Custom Strat
          '89 Kramer 700ST Bass


          • #50
            I would try to close down this board.

