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No more custom Serial numbers.

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  • #31
    Most of your complaints are for things FMIC could inevibly be sued for ...

    For instance all the old school Charvel graphics. Any idea who owns most of those? Dan Lawrence does from what I've been told. Therefore JCMI can't use a lot of those graphics without his permission

    This is the whole GMW strathead argument in reverse now ...
    Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


    • #32
      I guess everyones OK with FMIC I guess.

      If our lawyers can OK it we will build it!


      • #33
        just my 2 cents about custom shops.
        Gibson CS stopped taking odrders on one-off guitars. Small batches only.

        Things can be worse, you see
        Because I don't say it
        Doesn't mean I ain't thinking it


        • #34
          Originally posted by AK47 View Post
          The Music zoo and DOC runs had custom serial numbers ESP will do a custom number I have not checked with other companies.
          Oh, so you're talking about custom serials on batch runs? So no more GCxxxxx or DCGLxxxxxx type runs. I was sure you were talking about one-off runs, like for the Custom Shop guitar you were speccing out. Well that sucks if you wanted an entire run to have a special prefix, like the DMs you alluded to before. Although you made out that those were Mustaine's individual guitars. I too would be disappointed not to get the same treatment as one of the company's top endorsers at the time.

          So no artist similar models....
          that must disappoint those who want a guitar to pay tribute to their particular guitar hero. But how many artists' guitars are so radically different to what's already available right now? If you want a Green Meanie, get a strat in that colour and change the pickups. If you want an Amir Warbird, get a Dinky in the right basic colour and have someone do the graphic for you. You're paying more to Jackson for a custom graphic - this way you pay less for your Jackson and then pay someone else to do your artist graphic.

          Unless of course you're talking about something like the Roswellian Star or the Disrupter, which they have never allowed anyway.
          No copyrighted images.....
          geez, why is that?
          No Firebirds or roundhorns etc...
          I think the Jackson Firebirds and roundhorns are cool guitars, but what is this thing for having Jackson ripoff other people's designs? They've already got their own cool designs.
          No more custom style Jackson logos...
          well, that IS a bummer. I always thought some of the one-off logos were cool.
          No more custom serial numbers...
          you've still only half answered my earlier question. What were the restrictions on this option before? Could you have the wife's dimensions stamped on your fretboard? What if someone else's wife had the same build?

          If I demanded a CS guitar stamped with my initials and say, my birthday (something like GB090672) back in '97 and this year George Bush requested his guitar stamped with his initials and the combination of his private safe (say, GB090673), how the hell does anyone 20 years from now rationalise that these guitars were built 10 years apart? So there had to be some restrictions on it. Which makes me wonder if the option was ever open to individuals buying one guitar anyway. Maybe it was, but no one has answered that question yet.

          Only Jackson camo patterns no one elses including Germanys...
          I'm just reminded of that shit storm over that German camo job last year....
          No custom inlays if they appeared on another companies guitar or paintjob that apeared on another guitar...
          y'know, some tattooists have the same hangup about blatantly ripping off other people's work. What's that all about?

          All this has happened after the buyout and all you yes men are cool with this. If it was private owned you could still have Jackson build you the guitar of your dreams. Except no strat heads of course.
          so the strathead is the only restriction placed on all privately owned guitar makers? Jackson would still be a sizeable guitar maker, certainly considered a major player. But if Mustaine owned them, they'd be able to flout all of those copyright considerations you're complaining about?
          Hail yesterday


          • #35
            Did Charvel ever get sued over the Heinken or JD strats. How about the Dan Spitz and his copyrighted images. No ones gonna sue if you have Nestle crunch on your guitar especially if your a private collector.

            I also dont want to have to deal with five different contractors whne ordering a custom guitar I should just pay one person.

            I meant german camo print not the swastikas.

            Or any camo print for that matter Jackson will not do except the crappy COW style camo print.

            I am tired and not going to spell check this so excuse the crappy spelling and grammar.


            • #36
              Originally posted by AK47 View Post
              Did Charvel ever get sued over the Heinken or JD strats. How about the Dan Spitz and his copyrighted images. No ones gonna sue if you have Nestle crunch on your guitar especially if your a private collector.
              I don't believe so, but don't know for sure. But the 80s were a different time. ESP & Carvin were both making guitars with Jackson headstocks then too. A bunch of companies were building Soloist & Rhoads copies. Fender & Gibson had been shutting down Japanese manufacturers who were ripping off their designs for some time. Hence the 70s "lawsuit" instruments.

              I also dont want to have to deal with five different contractors whne ordering a custom guitar I should just pay one person.
              So buying a guitar in a plain finish and having someone else spray it with a graphic that Jackson won't do requires FIVE different contractors? Nice exaggeration.

              I meant german camo print not the swastikas.

              Or any camo print for that matter Jackson will not do except the crappy COW style camo print.
              I know you meant camo prints, not swastikas. You don't think part of that decision might have had something to do with the shit storm over that guitar last year? You give people "correct" camos, some of them are going to argue that they should be allowed correct insignia to match. If you allow correct US military insignia, are you going to deny a military buff who wants period correct German or Japanese insignia? Without knowing just what the thought process behind the decision, could it not be possible that they'd just avoid that whole kettle of fish by offering a non-specific camo? I'm sure it'll serve folks just as well when they're out deerhunting.
              Hail yesterday


              • #37
                Its good to be offened by our history it helps us not repeat it.

                Make sure you cover up any swastikas or SS runes and that Nestle Crunch logo it may offend a fat kid. That way we can keep going downhill and bury our past. Turn your evil assualt rifle into the PD too because you dont need that to hunt with either.

                I was exagerating but the guitar I wanted ordered required two independent contractors and had no copyrighted images or offensive symbols anywhere on it FMIC determinded that the inlays and camo print that they were similar to something somewhere but not copyrighted.


                • #38
                  To answer the question, yes, Jackson did at one time offer custom serial numbers, and yes there were a few, though I cannot recall any specific details.

                  IIRC, a very old issue of Hit Parader (back in the mid 80s) had an interview with a Jackson player who had either his Social Security # or Phone # as his serial.

                  I thought Crosby's "454" serialized Big Red (J1454 or J0454?) was ordered that way to match his favorite car engine? Or was that just luck of the draw?

                  While it's not really a deal-breaker, it'd be nice to have some explanation behind such a move. Was it hampering production? Is it a lack of skill? Lack of tools? Or did some bean-counter pull an option out of a hat and say "this is the one we're dropping"?

                  As for not being able to date a custom-serial guitar, why is that important?
                  I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                  The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                  My Blog:


                  • #39
                    I thought it was important to note as we seam to be getting no's on every little stupid thing on the custom orders so it should be on record here at the forum.

                    Also dont offend any fat or sensitive kids, beurocrats,ACLU,PETA or JCF members with any of your order options either. They will report you to FMIC.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Newc View Post

                      I thought Crosby's "454" serialized Big Red (J1454 or J0454?) was ordered that way to match his favorite car engine? Or was that just luck of the draw?

                      completely random, sir.

                      sad about the logos; there's a custom idea i've been kicking around that would have either the jcf01 logo (which has appeared on a recent pc1 for phil) or the original prototype non metallic logo. then again, i wouldn't be asking for anything they've already done and should already have on hand.

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                      • #41
                        Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
                        Unless of course you're talking about something like the Roswellian Star or the Disrupter, which they have never allowed anyway.
                        You are half right. You can order a Roswell Star but not a Disrupter.
                        I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                        - Newc


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                          Its good to be offened by our history it helps us not repeat it.

                          Make sure you cover up any swastikas or SS runes and that Nestle Crunch logo it may offend a fat kid. That way we can keep going downhill and bury our past. Turn your evil assualt rifle into the PD too because you dont need that to hunt with either.
                          Here is the Desert Fox "Lite".:ROTF:
                          Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                          • #43
                            Looking at those camos and I keep thinking: Got Milk?
                            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                            - Newc


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                              The Music zoo and DOC runs had custom serial numbers
                              My musiczoo guitar doesn't have a custom serial number. It has a 'normal' serial # (7309), and then has TMZ009 stamped into the back of the headstock.

                              Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                              So no artist similar models....
                              'Similar' is the key word here. You can do 'similar', but you can't do 'same' without their permission. Yes, it's not ideal, but you just have to work on some alterations that are either so minor you're not bothered, or are 'changable' when you get the guitar.

                              Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                              No copyrighted images.....
                              If you get permission from the copyright holder, they'll do it. Trust me, I know (as people are about to see!).

                              I know this post infers that I'm one of the 'yes' men that AK47 refers to. I'm not. I'm unhappy with alot of FMIC's policies for Jackson. However, to a degree I can understand where they are coming from. We're in an increasingly litigous society, and they want to do all that they can to prevent them being vulnerable to legal action from artists / copyright holders / other guitar companies or whoever.

                              Of course, seeing that they have no 'current' endorsers, then preventing replicas of 'the old guys' guitars would seem to be cutting their business off at the knees....
                              Last edited by neilli; 02-12-2007, 12:16 PM.
                              Popular is not the same as good
                              Rare is not the same as valuable
                              Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                                No Firebirds or roundhorns etc...
                                Will Jackson allow Gibson to copy a Rhoads? No.
                                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

