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Rant: The Jackson dealers in my area SUCK

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  • #31
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    • #32
      Originally posted by Marcheville View Post
      I know this might sound like heresy here but the JS series stuff is crap! Plain crap! I tried two of them into a Line 6 they had there and the necks are garbage. The frets were dead past the 15th fret and the E & A strings had some spots on the fret board that absolutely were a little flat. This was the same problem on two JS guitars I fiddled with.
      I agree, and I personally think that Jackson should totally drop the JS series. In the long run, it's hurting their overall image to have such cheapie junk with their name on it. Sure, they sell more instruments but that comes with a price down the road. Like I said in my original post, that's almost all anyone carries around here.

      About three years ago, I was playing a used DK2GC (I *think* that's what it was called, the Guitar Center collector's edition) at the local Guitar Center. I was playing through a Line 6 Flextone and this guy heard me and walked over and we had a conversation. I recognized him because he had played in the recent Guitarmageddon contest there. We were chatting and swapping ideas. At one point, I handed the guitar to him, he played something, and do you know what he said? "This is pretty nice FOR A JACKSON."

      That spoke volumes. It told me that....

      1. His only experience with Jackson was probably entry-level junk like the JS series.


      2. His only Jackson experience was at Guitar Center, where every instrument is in desperate need of a setup.

      Most of the time, a locking trem will have the nut locked down and the tuning will be way out of range for the fine tuners, so you have to go and ask them for a wrench. Grungy frets, missing pieces, you name it.

      Now, let's look at people in the smaller towns who have never even seen an MG series, let alone a USA. If their only image of Jackson is cheap junk, that hurts Jackson's reputation. First impressions are hard to overcome and they don't seem to realize that the only impression some people have of Jackson is a JS series toy.
      Member - National Sarcasm Society

      "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


      • #33
        Originally posted by Robotechnology View Post
        The 3 GC's around here never stocked USA Jackson until about 9 months ago they started to get them in. They're usually black though. They each recently received a black King V, black Randy, and trans blue SL2H. They've all sold the black SL2H's they had and whatever Charvels they had (about 4). Imports, they're well stocked. 2 to 3 DK2M's, an RR3, an a DK2 at each location usually.

        Hmm... this is my 1,000th post... that's funny... I feel kind of... different...

        Are you including the Totowa N.J. GC, 'cause I'm in there pretty regularly (yesterday, as a matter of fact) and have never seen any of those, ESPECIALLY a Charvel.


        • #34
          I've also run into this problem with all the local shops in my area including GC, Sam Ash, etc. They also don't stock higher end ESPs, just LTD. I also see many PRSs hanging up at GC for months on end and I'm sure not too many kids have the cash for those.

          I'm wondering why Fender does not make them stock higher end Jacksons like they do with their signature Strats, which aren't too cheap either. I'm sure if they threatened to pull their gear, you would see some USAs hanging on the wall.

          I don't quite get the "they don't sell" line because I've never seen any USA models in stock, which tells me they haven't tried too hard...there's too many $3000 Les Pauls taking up space.

          This is like going to a car dealer and only seeing their base models offered. If they're going to offer a certain brand, then they should have models available at all price points. If I see the same USAs hanging there for months and months, then I could see them not being offered anymore. But not offering them in the first place, doesn't make any sense to me.


          • #35
            I've been pretty lucky compared to you guys. The nearest Sam Ash has a used Charvel Model7 and Jackson early 90s Dinky. Only problem.. The sales staff are complete douches and they charge way too much. The Charvel has a tag of $550 and the Dinky is $650. None of the sales staff have any business sense at all. I'm just a teenager(17) and they act like they have an infinite amount of knowledge. One of the guys was like oh this is a vintage Telecaster so it demands a high price tag. I coughed and was like its a Charvel like it says on the headstock and its model 7, MIJ late 80s. He just stared at me dumbfounded. Not to mention they wouldn't let me try the one exclusive SL3 they had($899). The guy behind the counter told me that I'd probably mess up the guitar and that I didn't have the money to buy it anyway. I pulled $800 in cash(no lie!), showed him and told him he could go fuck himself and just lost a sale and left.


            • #36
              Originally posted by sk8boardbob2 View Post
              The guy behind the counter told me that I'd probably mess up the guitar and that I didn't have the money to buy it anyway. I pulled $800 in cash(no lie!), showed him and told him he could go fuck himself and just lost a sale and left.

              Would like to see his face then :ROTF:.

