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PC1 demo video on YouTube - is this a JCFer?

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  • PC1 demo video on YouTube - is this a JCFer?

    FINALLY, a video that explains how the PC1's sustainer acts. None of the music stores in my area have guitars with sustainer systems in them so I've been kept in the dark.

    This is Phil Collen's custom built Jackson guitar. Phil is the lead guitarist for the rock group Def Leppard.

    I almost want one now!

    Is that someone registered here on the JCF?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Number Of The Priest View Post
    FINALLY, a video that explains how the PC1's sustainer acts. None of the music stores in my area have guitars with sustainer systems in them so I've been kept in the dark.

    I almost want one now!

    I do want one now. Can't have too much sustain in my book.


    • #3
      Would a sustainer work in middle position, or does it have to be at the neck?
      "It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. [ ... ]
      The truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker, a raving lunatic."


      • #4
        That is the first time I've seen a sustainer as well. Can you buy one aftermarket and install it on any guitar? If so are they expensive?


        • #5
          Originally posted by GuitarWizard View Post
          That is the first time I've seen a sustainer as well. Can you buy one aftermarket and install it on any guitar? If so are they expensive?
          I'm not sure about that but you can order any Jackson with it. It'll only cost you $900 according to the last pricelist.

          What are you getting with it? The pickup, the electronics, the active battery, the controls, and costliest of all, a circuit board.


          • #6
            Originally posted by danastas View Post
            I'm not sure about that but you can order any Jackson with it. It'll only cost you $900 according to the last pricelist.
            I started :ROTF: reading that because it appeared you were joking.

            is it funnier if it's not a joke?
            the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


            • #7
              No joke! Dead serious. But yeah, it's pretty funny.

              I should have mentioned one more thing: of course you need a completely different routing for a sustainer. But look at it this way, you get a little extra service at the end. While all your adapters and wires are sticking up out of the cavity, someone from jackson will nicely press down on the plate and the wires and adapters will simply comply by relaxing into the little space that's left. The final step is somewhat similar to Lucille Ball's attempt to fit her entire wardrobe into a suitcase. The key is: have Ethel sit on it.
              Last edited by danastas; 02-27-2007, 09:06 PM.


              • #8
                Take your F'ing watch off when you play the guitar :ROTF: Do you believe this guy? Do you need to have a watch on when it's going to ruin the finish and gouge out the beautiful flame maple top! I've never seen that before. Totally stupid WTF!

                Anyway, there are 2 sustainer systems I know of that you can actually buy, one is the Sustaniac which appears in one of the import Dinky's and the Fernandez. I have the Fernandez in one guitar and it works well. I have not tested a Sustainiac yet. The difference between the Jackson and the others is the Jackson is 18Volt and the Sustainiac and Fernandez are 9Volt. The Jackson is more powerful and you can hear and feel it. I have the Jackson in 2 PC1's. Reportably, the Jackson is made under the auspices of Floyd Rose. I don't know who actually makes the darned thing.
                Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


                • #9
                  Wow..umm..That's cool umm..Well..umm...Save umm...$850 umm and an EBOW umm..Umm.....Cool demo, but it seems to do the exact same thing as an Ebow does for 20X more money. Why did he gank up his PC 1 with the Def leppard sicker though?
                  H3LL IS HOME!!!


                  • #10
                    The Jackson sustainers are made by Floyd Rose as an OEM part.
                    You can have them installed on any CS order as long as you choose a H-S-S or H-S config. The driver has to be in the neck position to work properly.
                    The Fernandz FSK-401 kit is very similar, but not as strong as the Jackson unit.
                    The Sustainiac unit is cool and was in the original prototype PC1.
                    The FSK-401 is easy to install, where the Sustainiac kit requires some skill to put it together.

                    A Jackson sustainer with a fresh set of batteries will vibrate the whole guitar. It's one strong Mo' Fo'.

                    And that idiot fucked up a perfectly good Solar finish!


                    • #11

                      Here's my PC1/Sustainor maybe not as descriptive vocally as the one posted above. This is from a tv appearance roughly a year ago now.
                      Hope you enjoy,
                      DiMarzio Endorsee
                      Morley Endorsee
                      "Intelli-Shred" author
                      NEW BOOK OUT! "ARPEGGIO MADNESS


                      • #12
                        > The driver has to be in the neck position to work properly.

                        So you could theoretically stick it together with a single-coil or a mini-humbucker in a neck humbucker route? And put a plastic cover on top of it if it looks like shit =D
                        "It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. [ ... ]
                        The truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker, a raving lunatic."


                        • #13
                          Cool demo, but it seems to do the exact same thing as an Ebow does for 20X more money.
                          Except for the fact that you have to hold onto this clumsy device with your picking hand. I would pay the 20X more money.

                          Insert annoying equipment list here....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mr426 View Post
                            Wow..umm..That's cool umm..Well..umm...Save umm...$850 umm and an EBOW umm..Umm.....Cool demo, but it seems to do the exact same thing as an Ebow does for 20X more money. Why did he gank up his PC 1 with the Def leppard sicker though?
                            Enough is enough... I just ordered an Ebow two minutes ago! :ROTF:

                            All these PC1 vids make me crazy, but I can't afford the PC1 that is hanging in the local shop... they want 3000 EURO for it!
                            And the sustainer is the the most interesting thing about it for me.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by delt View Post
                              > The driver has to be in the neck position to work properly.

                              So you could theoretically stick it together with a single-coil or a mini-humbucker in a neck humbucker route? And put a plastic cover on top of it if it looks like shit =D
                              Fernandez has a kit for the humbucker sized rout. This is the kit that's in one of my Les Pauls. Think it is the FSK 101 or 401 I can't remember. Sustainiac also makes a "dummy" single coil to go next to the single coil sized sustainer in a Hum Rout, or and yes with the Sustainiac, you can use a mini-humbucker like a 'lil '59 next to the driver. cool Stuff
                              Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.

