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This Chick Shreds

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Guitardude86 View Post
    Dammit! I quit too. She's awesome!
    +1 CHELSEA ROCK´s!!!

    Damn how I wish that my children would play like that someday - because I won´t Here is Laura playing her custom RR with the age of 4 months...Now she is a little over 2 years old and a little better


    • #32
      16....Sixteen! She's great. Wish I could've played the greats... note for note at 16!


      • #33
        simply incredible 17 years old wow!!!!!!!!!!!!
        85 Jackson 87 model1 87 model6


        • #34
          A Sandoval V, a Wolfgang, a '97 Custom LP.. Is she from a rich family or something? I can barely afford 1 good guitar, she has 3 dream-guitars, and she's not even began college yet? How is that even possible??
          "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


          • #35
            "A Sandoval V, a Wolfgang, a '97 Custom LP.. Is she from a rich family or something? I can barely afford 1 good guitar, she has 3 dream-guitars, and she's not even began college yet? How is that even possible?"

            She has a really cool dad!


            • #36
              That's it, I'm getting adopted!
              "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


              • #37

                i LOVE seeing younger people play some REAL music!

                this fucking KICKS ASS!
                You can't play no muthfuggin' arpeggios on a tuba...


                • #38
                  Man, that was really impressive, she is very good. Thanks for the link.
                  Tarbaby Fraser.


                  • #39
                    Glad to see some feedback. "Im going to use my Charvel as a coffee table,why bother"
                    She will develop as she gets older,atleast shes not a show off and putting her shreds up front.Alot of guitar players (like Yngwie at NAMM) rather put a show on,rather than playing clean (like old Yngwie).
                    Paul Gilbert really doesnt move around alot,either does Satch,or John Petrucci,they seem to watch the FB alot to, and cant blame them,lots of critics out there.
                    I thought her playing a Charvel was the coolest thing,thats why I posted it.Had awesome tone as well. (that was me who commented on her:YngMalmsteen). . I gave her 5 stars.she deserves it.

                    ps: Cool pix of the polka dot signed by DR
                    Henrik Danhage Sig Heavy Relic


                    • #40
                      > I hope she inspires more females to shred, we need them


                      Her right-hand technique is very similar to mine. Always a light touch, and same way to alternate-pick everything, even mid/slow riffs, and putting the thumb & 1st finger into it.
                      "It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. [ ... ]
                      The truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker, a raving lunatic."


                      • #41
                        Damn. Had an urge to turn my guitar collection into firewood. I think the thing that scared me the most was that her tone was spot on with Randy and Satch.
                        My gear
                        87 Charvel Model 6
                        86 Charvel Model 4
                        93 Jackson RR EX
                        93 Jackson Kelly STD
                        88 Ibanez RG560
                        99 Schecter Diamond C-7
                        Peavey Bandit 112


                        • #42
                          I'm not sure why, but I'd never heard of her - she is is an outstanding player - regardless of age.
                          Last edited by EVHwannabe; 02-28-2007, 10:36 PM.


                          • #43
                            |My CSG gallery|


                            • #44
                              nice.. great comfort level and focus-pays attention to all the points and she's not fighting it so she knows the stuff, how to execute it and can replicate it with precision. She doesn't seem to get rattled..good comfortable confidence there. If she's holding her breath for any of it, it doesn't show. Plus, there really isn't any ego issue here it seems.. not doing it to try to impress anyone to get laid.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by charvelguy View Post
                                nice.. great comfort level and focus-pays attention to all the points and she's not fighting it so she knows the stuff, how to execute it and can replicate it with precision. She doesn't seem to get rattled..good comfortable confidence there. If she's holding her breath for any of it, it doesn't show. Plus, there really isn't any ego issue here it seems.. not doing it to try to impress anyone to get laid.
                                Well said.
                                The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.

